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  • Have a outter each infection in my bad ear used my little camera to peak in little swollen ear drum looks frosted with white veins
    I talked to a few people who got tinnitus from getting there vaccine.. do you think a uptick in cases will bring a cure sooner
    @Hottopic29 I really hope big pharmas open their eyes, and realize tinnitus/hearing loss is the pandemic together with covid/vaccines (as a side effect). If things keep like this (and most experts agree covid will be like a flu) everyone will have tinnitus, and some, really severe. So I don't know what are they waiting for. Maybe the CEO of pharmas should catch tinnitus to realize this fact? I don't know.
    Can only hope
    How to treat hypercacusis when you cant afford TRT or maskers
    Michael Leigh
    I have advised you that it will take time to recover. Follow the advice I have given in my articles. Print and read them.
    @Michael Leigh No I didn't have TRT, nor I could have since in my country (Greece) no one provides it. But I have common sense. In 2 years' time that it lasts, you NATURALLY come to terms with T and things get better. I see it myself using nature sounds most of times to mask my T, and I still feel almost habituated now, 10 months later, even though it worsened multiple times somewhat.
    Michael Leigh
    @DimLeb Commenting on something that you know nothing about. I rest my case.
    I see lots of new people with tinnitus covid related wonder if that will get a cure found quicker that more spot light is on it
    Maybe its ginkgo causing my tinnitus to change maybe this is a spike i never had them with my old tinnitus
    Michael Leigh
    Gingko is Not to blame it is sound. Either headphones or exposure to loud sound/noise.
    I don't agree with Michael. You can check the ginko biloba thread. It caused spikes for many people including myself. We all react differently
    Tinnitus has changed to pulsing crickets aftr watching tv and feeling confident yesterday praying its tempoary was so quiet
    This used to happen to me a lot. Basically caused me to give up TV for about a year after onset.

    It's very unlikely the tinnitus won't return to baseline.

    Also the TV spiking you thing does settle after a while also. Like I said, took a couple of months for me.
    Took ginkgo again today and my hearing just feels really hyped up and my ear with the light whistle turned to a faint house alarm gotta be the all the supplements
    Well ginkgo (temporarily) worsens a lot of people's tinnitus, because it increases blood flow.

    Same as how you'll notice your tinnitus increases after exercise.
    Still confused onmy acoustic trauma my phone only has a 98db max output and i dont think i would have had it to max is it maybe anxiety
    36 days acoustic trauma took ginko yesterday and today new tones seem quiet old tinnitus from medicaiton seems taken on a chain spun sound
    Ugh head pressure ears feel slightly buzzy sore i want to hear clear again slight dizzyness .. could this be hydrops from the prednisone
    Ive read the science and read the forum's.. i guess acoustic trauma is pernament and this is my new life .ears dont repair damage
    @Hottopic29 The ears usually don't get better, but the brain (which most likely is responsible for the tinnitus sound) can. My impression is that tinnitus improvements are more common in the case of acoustic trauma, rather than years of cumulative noise damage.
    I don't think it's permanent.i read on here a guy had a gun go off right next to his ear and completely healed from it.
    Ive had tinnitus since 2014 i from meds i forgot about it never really heard it this new acoustic trauma is both ears wake up to electrical noise and light dullness just wish i had mor clear hearing
    Tried to live my life today and go out and do errands come home feel dizzy hoping its cause i haven't been eating not hypercacusis related
    Ears are quieter at 5 week mark .. sounds like my old tinnitus seems to faded to back of head .. the reactive to fan with it pulsing no fun
    Ugh reactive tinnitus sucks .. ears are creeking from watching tv on low cant live in silence for ever
    I push past the reactivity at low db but not sure if exposure like that is gonna worsen me long term. Hasn't helped though
    My reactive tinnitus is a 1/10 buzz its more active now it seems since i had coffee and been driving around
    Almost like bent ear cells ontop of another wouldn't it be great if it fixed itself i am still only 36 days into this so there is a chance
    Since my hypercacusis was brought on during a stressful period, does acute stress hyperacusis only affect women?
    Going to try and stay off the tinnitus searching and reading for a bit i just get myself worked up and just have faith 6 months it be easier
    Went to lay down and felt my vein in neck pumping and my tinnitus pulsing with it briefly whats that mean is that part of acoustic trauma
    30 days into this acoustic trauma should i stop the NAC to see if it helps heal naturally or is it supressing decaying at moment
    Tinnitus is back to its electrical static sound in full force today day 32 of my new tinnitus sounds so sad acoustic trauma sucks
    Tinnitus is low today almost gone .. if i didn't have the sore ear drum and numbness on one side it be a good day
    30 days into acoustic Trauma my new tinnitus is awful head aches i think its safe to say this ones staying around
    Hate life at the moment with my new tinnitus
    Unsure if its prednisone withdrawl like a inbalance in brain
    Thanks for letting me have a bit of background information. I can see not that you are far from a tinnitus newbie. Still, a sudden new noise tends to put you right back to where you started.
    Unfortunately, I can't advice you on what to expect when you stop taking Prednisone so abruptly. But have a look around the forum. There a plenty of people here who've used it and might be able to help because they've had similar experiences.
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