Recent content by Imshael

  1. Imshael

    Been doing so well, for so long. Used headphones because stupid, and paying for it now. Great.

    Been doing so well, for so long. Used headphones because stupid, and paying for it now. Great.
  2. Imshael

    The worst thing with tinnitus is staying away from headphones. Damn, how I miss them.

    The worst thing with tinnitus is staying away from headphones. Damn, how I miss them.
  3. Imshael

    ETD, TMJ or Earwax?

    Thank you for your advice @Daniel Lion! He wasn't even an ENT doctor, just a regular one. I'm thinking about calling my dentist to see if the jaw can cause this kind of problem, otherwise I guess I should try to an actual ENT.
  4. Imshael

    What Exactly Does Your "Pulsatile Tinnitus" Sound Like...?

    Hi @Ian Mc! Mine comes and goes, but it tends to be a "woosh" sound. It actually sounds pretty much exactly like the sound of a babys heartbeat (the one you can hear on ultrasound), only slower.
  5. Imshael

    ETD, TMJ or Earwax?

    Today I went to see a doctor because of a sharp, stabbing pain in my ear when I try to pop it, if I yawn, burp or something along those lines. He told me the eardrum was very slightly red, but otherwise looked just fine, and he sounded convinced the pain comes from my jaw. He told me to do...
  6. Imshael

    Morse Code Sound Two Days After Starting Using a Mouth Guard

    Oh, hi @oceanofsound26! Sorry for the very late response! I do still hear the morse code sometimes, but it's rare. I find that I mostly hear it if I also have some pain in my jaw or neck. At every checkup I've had since I got my mouth guard, I've been told that I should really go see a physical...
  7. Imshael

    ETD, TMJ or Earwax?

    Hi everyone! My tinnitus has been fairly stable for some time now, not bothering me to much. Since a couple of days I've had a bit of flare ups with pulsatile tinnitus, and also a bit of pain. It comes and goes, but it can really hurt if I swallow, hiccup, yawn or something else along those...
  8. Imshael

    Seems as if I'm starting the new year with a spike (fingers crossed it's not permanent). Off to...

    Seems as if I'm starting the new year with a spike (fingers crossed it's not permanent). Off to a good start.
  9. Imshael

    Tinnitus and Hormone Problems/Connection?

    Oh, thank you @Autumnly , that's quite a lot of info you had on on the subject. Very interesting indeed and even though, as you said, it doesn't mention PCOS directly, it is still very much related. Oh my oh my, the human body sure is complicated.
  10. Imshael

    Tinnitus and Hormone Problems/Connection?

    Hello again! Just saw a thread in a Swedish tinnitus group, where a woman talked about her tinnitus and how it was possibly related to her hormone treatment. As someone who has PCOS I found this quite interesting (and also a bit disheartening to be honest, since I'm working up the courage to...
  11. Imshael

    Morse Code Sound Two Days After Starting Using a Mouth Guard

    Hi everyone! Last week I got my night guard, which I got due to a whole bunch of jaw related problems. About two days after I started using it, I noticed a morse code sound when going to bed. It's been a week, and the sound is still there. So my question is; could my night guard be the...
  12. Imshael

    Was doing so well, have barely thought about T the last couple of weeks. Now fullness and spike...

    Was doing so well, have barely thought about T the last couple of weeks. Now fullness and spike. Please go away thank you
  13. Imshael

    New Member

    Hi @Zebulon! If your tinnitus changes when you're moving your head, I do believe that it's possibly related to your neck? Perhaps this is something that could be worth looking into and see if it can help you with your tinnitus. Good luck!
  14. Imshael

    Tinnitus That Switches Ears — Anybody Else?

    It's really odd, isn't it. I see so many people having a bad ear and a good one, and I myself can't tell which is which.
  15. Imshael

    Tinnitus That Switches Ears — Anybody Else?

    Hi! My tinnitus has since day one switched between ears. Just yesterday, my right ear was the bad one. Today, it's the left. Sometimes it stays worse in one ear for a while, sometimes it only lasts a couple of days. Anyone else who's experiencing this, and might now what the cause is?