Recent content by jadebug

  1. jadebug

    My Success Story: Lexapro-Induced Tinnitus Got Better and I'm Now a Registered Nurse

    Hello everyone, It's been a long time since I have posted on Tinnitus Talk or have really even thought about my tinnitus journey. I swore to myself though that if I ever took back my life again and recovered from tinnitus that I would come back and share my experience. I remember my early days...
  2. jadebug

    I'm feeling okay. I get the fullness much less than I used to, but occasionally it will come...

    I'm feeling okay. I get the fullness much less than I used to, but occasionally it will come back. I think fullness usually dissipates with most people even if it seems to take a long time. It could also be an allergy issue. Keep hope and try to relax. Things will usually get better. Pursue...
  3. jadebug

    I'm going through the same thing right now. It's so scary! If you ever need to talk feel free to...

    I'm going through the same thing right now. It's so scary! If you ever need to talk feel free to message me! You got this!
  4. jadebug

    Giving Up — I Just Can't Live Like This Anymore

    Thank you so much for the post! Yeah the issues with my boyfriend are very challenging and we've been going through a really rough patch (unrelated to T as well). It's just I have so much stress already that the tinnitus feels like my breaking point. It feels like I have no peace at all. I'm so...
  5. jadebug

    Antidepressant Advice — Are There Any Safe ADs with Tinnitus I Could Talk About with My Doctor?

    Update: after talking with my doctor she prescribed me 15mg of remeron and I have been switched to .5 mg of klonopin twice a day since the xanax doesn't seem to be working for me much. I'm so worried about taking the remeron though. I just don't want my T to increase anymore. Ugh I'm panicking.
  6. jadebug

    Giving Up — I Just Can't Live Like This Anymore

    I actually don't do any exercises. I'm still waiting on my TMJ guard. Do you have any exercises you recommend?
  7. jadebug

    Can I Use These Earmuffs in MRI?

    You definitely wouldn't be able to wear those since they have metal. MRIs use magnets, that's actually what the M stands for so those would be a big no no. I would recommend foam plugs instead.
  8. jadebug

    Let's Talk About the Things You'd Like to Achieve in 5 Years

    Wow thanks so much! I really needed some reassurance as my T is so new and has been making me doubt myself. I hadn't even thought about it being quiet either that's even better! I've always adored babies and want to fight for the ones who need the extra care since they can't fight for...
  9. jadebug

    Let's Talk About the Things You'd Like to Achieve in 5 Years

    Thank you it's want I've always wanted to do so I really hope T doesn't hold me back! If anything I hope it helps me to be stronger and a more empathetic and compassionate nurse as I'm sure the parents of preemies are very worried and in need of good support and an intelligent team that cares.
  10. jadebug

    Let's Talk About the Things You'd Like to Achieve in 5 Years

    In five years I'd like to have done well in all of my college courses and graduate with my nursing degree. I would love to be working in the NICU where I can help save and care for premature babies. I would also like to make new friends and adopt a dog!
  11. jadebug

    Ridiculous Spike — Really Need Some Support

    Thank you so much! You always reply to my posts, which I appreciate so so much, and I see what encouraging things you're always writing on others posts as well. You're such a ray of sunshine despite your suffering and this community is lucky to have someone like you. I hope things get better for...
  12. jadebug

    Ridiculous Spike — Really Need Some Support

    Thank you I have been trying to find things that mask my T. I have two types of sounds so what works for one usually makes the other worse. I'll try the diffuser though thanks a bunch!
  13. jadebug

    Ridiculous Spike — Really Need Some Support

    Thank you I'm so grateful to this community. I don't know what I would do without the support. My T is roaring loud right now and I'm trying not to have a breakdown. I just wish I had some way to escape this torture.
  14. jadebug

    Ridiculous Spike — Really Need Some Support

    I'm 20 and I've been dating my bf for a year and a half. He's normally a really supportive person but since we're young he wants to hang out a lot with his friends, which I understand but it kind of hurts sometimes when it feels like he chooses them over me and isn't there for me when I need him...
  15. jadebug

    Ridiculous Spike — Really Need Some Support

    I also was one of the best in my class and I'm hoping that I can actually keep that up but I'm unsure. I'm sure one day you'll be able to return to your studies and be at the top of your class again. Time is very important with T. Thank you! Keep the forum updated on your progress if you can...