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  • Hola Japongus. Espero que todo vaya bien. Te escribí por facebook ayer para hacerte una consulta, pero recuerdo que no rondabas mucho por ahí.a ver si podemos hablar en algun momento. Saludos
    Hi there, I've read a lot of your posts and am wondering how you are doing and if you ended up having the surgery? Thanks
    Hey man. I saw your posts in the forum and since you sre from europe like me i was wandering did u found anybody that can help us with diagnosing and operating on tts. So if u can leave your mail or some kind of contact would be nice
    I'm wondering how much of sound therapy is total fraud that takes advantages of ambiguities and lack of current knowledge in other dxs
    Passame tu email si quieres y hablamos en calma en privado. Aparte de la hiperacusia no me queda claro si tienes problemes musculares (TTTS o mioclonia estapediana) del oïdo medio tambien, Gracias
    I have it. I'll send back some of mine thats most relevant. I've culled a lot because much of what I had was anat and phys of the ear, and TRT related (for some reason). I'll pass on anything else I get hold of through work.
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