Recent content by japongus

  1. japongus

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    Not about botox, but then I haven't been researching lately. I seem to remember folks in Facebook groups like the TTTS one or the hyperacusis research one saying they were gonna get botox but I don't think they gave updates. Or in any case they were from myoclonic people, which may or may not...
  2. japongus

    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Furthermore, the middle ear could be setting off a domino effect on the inner ear. And when people say hypermobile stapes or hypermobile tensor tympani or hypermobile stapedius or veli palatini, or tense eardrum and such, they don't know if it's creating a hearing loss or a hearing gain. What...
  3. japongus

    (Wallace and) Grommets for Hyperacusis

    If we had better descriptions of the patients, more people would do the operations and better information would come from that too. This applies to Hain or Silverstein. Silverstein did his more than fair bit with his seminars and presenting the study at an otology conference, but we can do...
  4. japongus

    (Wallace and) Grommets for Hyperacusis

    Anyway, saying doctors are cowards is too extreme, saying they're useless bureaucrats would be a better estimate, and that the more pretentious among them who ship the patients off to shrinks and TRT are the creepiest of them all is also accurate. If I were an ear doctor I wouldn't risk my...
  5. japongus

    (Wallace and) Grommets for Hyperacusis

    There's never been a visible loss of hearing on audiometry, but audiometry tests are lame anyways and don't hit the exact frequencies of my two tinnituses. However, the idea that hearing loss and hyperacusis are linked is probably just a myth Jastreboff concocted together with magical thinking...
  6. japongus

    (Wallace and) Grommets for Hyperacusis

    Well that depends on what you think your life is worth. I think my life is worth stuff as it is now despite what the vultures have said to me, but I know people for whom their life isn't worth anything and they're willing to be guinea pigs. I have heard good and bad outcomes from this I agree...
  7. japongus

    (Wallace and) Grommets for Hyperacusis

    P.D. '' Hi Sorry, previous message meant to say ''In addition there are recent reports of sound sensitivity cured through tenotomy by Sismanis before he retired WITHOUT the classical myoclonus proof on the eardrum or a tympanogram'' On and thanks a lot for introducing grommets and for your...
  8. japongus

    (Wallace and) Grommets for Hyperacusis

    Sorry haven't been on Tinnitus Talk for ages. Looks like a couple of months after that post I had an exchange with him: I said: ''Hi Dr Hain, On your page you introduce the idea of grommets for hyperacusis, saying surprised that they also apply for hyperacusis without perilymph fistula. Over...
  9. japongus

    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    That'll fit well next to the theories saying immobility of the stapes was what caused hyperacusis. And next to the papers saying Silverstein surgery increases the sound input into the inner ear, with the other folks at chat-hyperacusis claiming it decreased the sound input. Just so we can all...
  10. japongus

    Hyperacusis without the Pain

    What's Liberman done, apart from take the dubious torch of ''hidden hearing loss'' from the TRT gang and try to give it credibility, and find a few fibers in the cochlear that could be pain fibers? ''Hidden hearing loss'' was a fail from the TRT gang that they resorted to once it was...
  11. japongus

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    Some of us who have been ''wasting time on forums over the years'' like Rob (and his clowns at chat-h) says, have noticed that both whether it's vibratory or not, whether you feel it in the ear or elsewhere, and whether you have it in a radical state and for the quietest of sounds like I do, or...
  12. japongus

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    So I have baseline high and low freq tinnitus in silence. For TRTardians it's just a hilarious coincidence that the hyperacusis I have consists of exactly these two frequencies getting louder when met with external sound. It's probably a damaged cochlea, but it could be a pressure in the middle...
  13. japongus

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    Yes yes stall stall stall, the Jastreboff manual, make it personal, etc. I don't expect anything. You've never debated anyone, not just me, but that goes into the definition of being a TRT provider. Any inch that a TRT provider gives to theories or operations that people have undertaken that...
  14. japongus

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    My hyperacusis vibrates at the same exact frequency as the tinnitus. I ask you again, how can TRT help the hyperacusis without decreasing the tinnitus. As TRT claims this, and it's impossible, then TRT is lying. It's no surprise TRT would then be bedfellows with shrinks and their sofas and...
  15. japongus

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    You counsel people? Are you a professional? Professional psychologists shouldn't be doing an otologist's work but do so because otologists ignore hyperacusis and tinnitus. They're pretty cretinous folk that help no one really, and that's in normal life, not taking into account tinnitus and...