Hiya, Sorry for the distance, I don’t visit here often now but I do check in now and then as this place was a real help for me during my bad times, and yes still tinnitus free apart from some fleeting tinnitus which I had before the noise exposure, I am always careful around loud noise.
Hiya, tbh yes I can. Obviously if the noise is really loud I’ll move away from the noise but restaurants and parties are generally ok.
I find acoustic gigs to be fine but anything more than that I’ll use earplugs.
With regards to the cars, they can be noisy but not actually inside the car, during the first year I couldn’t drive the louder cars as hyperacusis made everything much louder.
Sorry only seeing this now. During my recovery I did experience loud noise from time to time, I was exposed to a ambulance siren, unexpected noise that happens in every day life and I think it did set things back a little bit overall Ondid recover from tinnitus but it did take a long time, I...
Hiya, I used to say tinnitus would ride on top of anything I was listening too. So if I was listening to music I could hear the tinnitus on top of the music regardless of the volume (obviously at sensible volume) This I believe is hyperacusis, When your auditory system is over sensitive maybe...
Hiya, Thankfully not earache, I did have a sensation of ear pressure and fullness which was annoying but not painful.
The tinnitus was more of a concern at the time as that was mentally painful.
Hi, I was 36 at the time of the noise trauma, 38 by the time it finally resolved and 41 now, Thankfully still free of tinnitus but always fearful of loud noise.
Depending on the severity of the onset it can take a lot longer than 6 Months but it can and it does get better, I was told it will never go away. That was something I really didn’t need to hear from a doctor. For me following exposure to a very powerful alarm it took the best part of 2 years...
The distortion I had was literally like listening to music via a broken speaker, I couldn’t hear bass and the highs sounded very crackled but also with the tinnitus squealing over the top of everything.
Thankfully yes now all the distortions and tinnitus have 100% gone.
I do still...