Recent content by Jay M

  1. Jay M

    This Time I Think I Will Commit Suicide — I Was Habituated, Now After Cold My Tinnitus Is Worse

    Eardrums heal. Colds effect sinus' and T. If you have moderate to severe inflammation in your sinus cavities from colds and or allergies it also effects the Eustachian tubes. That sizzling sound is sticky and or inflamed Eustachian tubes trying to open and drain. Middle ear air flow is...
  2. Jay M

    Can Wisdom Teeth Actually Cause Tinnitus?

    It's all possible if they have cavities, impacted or you're grinding and irritating your TMJ.
  3. Jay M

    Augmentin Retard — Ototoxic? Safe for Someone with Tinnitus? Experiences?

    Considering the amount of prescriptions written everyday all over the world for pill form Augmentin, where's the concrete proven reports of ototoxcity? We don't have enough info about these individuals who have claimed Augmentin causing hearing loss. Every person that has claimed hearing loss...
  4. Jay M

    Tinnitus Spike from Eating Vegetables (Can Salicylates Be the Reason?)

    Get a food allergy test that includes the foods you suspect.
  5. Jay M

    Did you take the Augmentin? What was the dosage and for how many days? Did you have any issues...

    Did you take the Augmentin? What was the dosage and for how many days? Did you have any issues w/ T taking it?
  6. Jay M

    Worst Tinnitus of My Life, Pressure, and Hearing Loss. What Do I Do? Urgently Need Help, Please.

    What dosage was the 10-day course of Augmentin (amoxicillin-clavulanate)?
  7. Jay M

    Tinnitus Is Gone!

    Sounds like you had a blocked SINUS cavity on the left side of your head. Congrats on recovery!
  8. Jay M

    Can a Cold or Allergies Exacerbate Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    Absolutely. If the there's acute or chronic sinusitis inflammation and the e.tubes are involved, the ears can not balance sound and air pressure properly.
  9. Jay M

    Gut Health and Tinnitus

    I've not been on in a long time but I'm responding bc your symptoms are sim to mine. I have mild hearing loss at high freq. range w/ mild T that most ppl have and tolerate. But there's another fluctuating tone that is like what you described I've had since 2014. It's baffling but I know lots of...
  10. Jay M

    Tinnitus? No More!

    I thought you said you were "cured" in several other threads while promoting the use of kepra or some other drug?
  11. Jay M

    Somatosensory Pulsatile Tinnitus Syndrome

    You can develop SPT on top of existing T (from hearing loss) which I believe is more likely unrelated. I have both. My T from hearing loss is the quiet room T (eeeeeee) and many ppl have this type, aware or unaware. April 2014, I woke up for no reason with what I know now is SPT. The SPT is...
  12. Jay M

    Going Numb

    Ive had the same symptoms evaluated by a Dr and it can be from muscle spasms around the head, and or neck including your jaw and blood pressure too.
  13. Jay M

    Dizziness & ETD

    To many experts in here. You simply put to much pressure in your middle ear, putting pressure on your inner ear and that caused your dizziness. Don't do it again. Your fine.
  14. Jay M

    An Awful Experience... Just Got Back From The Dentist

    Try EARMUFFS instead of plugs. Years before T my dentist wore them and suggested I do them same. At the time I thought it was silly. IMO theres a different effect between plugging ears and covering them. I think plugging is not good if your chewing or having dental work done. Idk. Just my opinion.
  15. Jay M

    Tinnitus Caused by Ibuprofen — Reversible?

    Nsaids aggrevate T. If youre taking the normal dosage once its out it should resolve.