Recent content by Jesse Pinkman

  1. Jesse Pinkman

    Dentist Claims Dental Work Cannot Make Tinnitus Worse

    Tinnitus is such a complex phenomena, you have to be a small minded biggot to claim there is no chance there is a connection between dental work and tinnitus.
  2. Jesse Pinkman

    Charles Bonnet Syndrome — Same Phenomenon as Tinnitus?

    I came across this video and this is the first time I've heard about this condition. It only occurs during vision loss, and the first thing that hit me was its similarity to tinnitus. Basically the brain starts to create phantom visions and as we all know tinnitus is phantom sounds from the...
  3. Jesse Pinkman

    Why Is It So Loud?

    Around 90% of tinnitus cases are connected to hearing loss. Tinnitus can have many causes. You can have tinnitus without any damage to the auditory system. For example brain tumors, neurological disorders etc.
  4. Jesse Pinkman

    Is It True Most Tinnitus Cases Resolve in a Year?

    Why compare this with winning the lottery? There is no need to paint this more black than it already is. I for one has had T for 18 months. Its not gone but the noise level has reduced to around 20% and I no longer consider it a problem. I doubt Im an unique case.
  5. Jesse Pinkman

    The Guessing Game

    Then its natural
  6. Jesse Pinkman

    The Guessing Game

    Whats your definition of natural?
  7. Jesse Pinkman

    The Guessing Game

  8. Jesse Pinkman

    The Guessing Game

  9. Jesse Pinkman

    The Guessing Game

    Rules: The game master shall think of something physical. Examples of physical things: A flower, the wall of China, a coca cola. Examples of non physical things: A dream, a situation, the theory of relativity. Lets stick with the physical ones for simplicity. Also, lets avoid thinking of very...
  10. Jesse Pinkman

    Just Can't Cope :'(

    Ive had a few colds since i got tinnitus. Spiked every time, with new sounds etc. Always went back to normal when the cold went away.
  11. Jesse Pinkman

    I Think I Have No Baseline! Anyone Else?

    They say that the heart of nature is random (quantum mechanics). So in a sense, it is actually radnom, but the randomness is less appearent and almost vanishes in macroscopic systems.
  12. Jesse Pinkman

    I Think I Have No Baseline! Anyone Else?

    I dont think its random, but its just complex and too many variables. Thus it appears to be random
  13. Jesse Pinkman

    Close to Tears, Panic Has Set In Again

    T is usually unstable the first months after onset. Expect changes. Its probably gonna settle down eventually. Give it time
  14. Jesse Pinkman

    Going to the Pool/Hot Tubs/Jacuzzi Reduces My Tinnitus by at Least 50%.

    This is awsome. You deserve this
  15. Jesse Pinkman

    I Miss My Normal Life

    @rubyroseware Try keppra and trobalt