Recent content by Joanne Philps

  1. Joanne Philps

    Ginkgo Biloba for Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Ginkgo biloba spikes mine like crazy, yet another expensive supplement that doesn’t help!
  2. Joanne Philps

    Neti Pot / Nasal Irrigation for ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) & Rhinitis — Post Your Experience

    As with everything else I have tried, it didn’t help! I’ve tried every supplement known to man, some like Ginkgo give me spikes, as do probiotics. It’s ridiculous. The Otovent balloon is my party trick, but as with everything else, it doesn’t work!
  3. Joanne Philps

    Hi, I’m handling the PPPD o.k, I don’t take SSRI’s and fortunately the consultant I saw prefers...

    Hi, I’m handling the PPPD o.k, I don’t take SSRI’s and fortunately the consultant I saw prefers not to prescribe them ( unlike ENT who signed me off when I refused them) VRT definitely helped and blue light glasses for shops, airports etc, the tinnitus is still screeching as it chooses with no...
  4. Joanne Philps

    Prebiotic Inulin, Sleep and Tinnitus

    How bizarre, I’ve been thinking the same, but thought it was just me. I’m on long term antibiotics so have been taking Probiotics for my gut, but noticed they give me a huge spike. I left them off for a week and no spikes! Ironic as they are supposed to help. Saying that, Ginkgo biloba gives...
  5. Joanne Philps

    Neti Pot / Nasal Irrigation for ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) & Rhinitis — Post Your Experience

    Hi. Has anybody had any success with nasal irrigation, Neti pot etc? I have bilateral screeching 24/7, ETD and rhinitis. I have tried everything else so thought I’d give it a go. Today the screeching is extremely loud but after I used the Neti pot for the first time, the volume has gone off the...
  6. Joanne Philps

    New Bose SleepBuds: Do They Work with Tinnitus?

    Thank you Michael, I understand what you are saying. I do not use headphones, in ear or over, but am unable to sleep, I have a white noise machine but it doesn’t cut it. For my cause of tinnitus I entered "Flight", because I was fine before the flight, got on the plane as fit as a flea, got off...
  7. Joanne Philps

    New Bose SleepBuds: Do They Work with Tinnitus?

    Has anybody tried the new second edition Bose SleepBuds, please? Bose said they withdrew the original ones because of the batteries. The new edition's batteries they say hold a 10 hour charge, the original ones were longer. They are expensive but I’m happy to pay if they work? I have...
  8. Joanne Philps

    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Get Worse Around the Full Moon?

    Lane, I should have added the antibiotic was for a persistent uti, nothing to do with my screeching, however after wasting a month on the particular one, the lab report confirmed I should not be taking that one, so it’s been changed to another one which is at least working for the bladder pain...
  9. Joanne Philps

    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Get Worse Around the Full Moon?

    I too am convinced it goes up with the full moon, I didn’t actually know the date of this one, mine has been off the scale for a few days but I’ve been taking an ototoxic antibiotic, I can’t get my doctor to change it, so put the extra volume down to that, then just happened to see the full moon...
  10. Joanne Philps

    I don’t take any medication, I saw so many doctors and got so many different diagnosis...

    I don’t take any medication, I saw so many doctors and got so many different diagnosis, Labyrinthitis then Mènières then vestibular migraine then MdDS then PPPD, it’s ridiculous, no one seems to know, so they all signed me off and left me to get on with it basically! 3 years in October
  11. Joanne Philps

    Anyone Diagnosed with PPPD/CSD (Constant Dizziness)?

    I’m a bit late to the party, but just want to add to this that SSRI’s are not always used to treat PPPD, that was my last diagnosis and whilst the jury is still out on whether it’s actually a condition, some refer to it as wastebasket syndrome, personally I’m not convinced, I have bilateral...
  12. Joanne Philps

    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Get Worse Around the Full Moon?

    Just seen this thread, screeching tinnitus and full on wobbles all day, been keeping a diary recently of the tinnitus and the wobbles, back tracked to last month and the same occurred with the full moon, didn’t even realise it was today, so although I find it weird and unnerving it seems the...
  13. Joanne Philps

    Walk Like a Drunk Due to Imbalance Problems

    I just don’t know, my ENT doctors have been spectacularly useless in my case, first they said Labyrinthitis then Ménière’s then Vestibular migraine then MdDS and now PPPD! Then they said we can’t help you, goodbye, disgusting way to treat someone but there you go!
  14. Joanne Philps

    Walk Like a Drunk Due to Imbalance Problems

    I’m the same, walk like a drunken sailor, was bedridden for 4 months in 2017, now hardly walk at all, but I do cycle about 20-25 miles a week and have just started swimming two to three times a week, except today the wobbles and screeching is very bad, have done 4 miles on the bicycle , was...
  15. Joanne Philps

    Alcohol Quiets Down My Tinnitus

    Alcohol or sleeping pills for me, otherwise no sleep at all, I've tried and after tossing and turning till the wee small hours, now I don't even bother, it's either drink or sleeping pills, cannot bare another night of tossing and turning till 6 a.m!