John Doe

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  • I don't care about anything, even tinnitus! Some would wish for such a state, I'm sure.
    looking back, getting T felt like a familiar thing. I realize that I'm used to experiencing the results of a dysfunctional brain.
    Allergies making the insides of my ears itch. Not very comfortable- and I think it may have something to do with my pets.
    Have you had an allergy test? Hopefully it's not the animals, that would suck. I used to date a girl who was extremely allergic to my dog, long story short... Still have the dog lol.
    John Doe
    @AZeurotuner I really ought to... even if it is my dogs, the reaction is absolutely worth it. ^_^
    I've got this hissing in surround-sound. I could perhaps easily close my eyes and imagine that I'm standing in a field swarmed by cicadas.
    That ceaseless uncertainty of whether the person speaking to you is too quiet, or your hearing is actually going, or both...
    I'm going to hate seeing people gushing over Valentine's day tomorrow. Just an excuse to waste $ on dumb stuff & make lonely ppl feel worse.
    Can you please explain why I should avoid lving 'x' thing just because there is a possibility that I can make 'x-less' people bad with your wide knowledge, wisdom and experience.?
    And why did you insult me actually? I have never said a word that can be named as an 'insult'. This situation is called as ' Ad hominem'. Google it. And grow up .
    John Doe
    @Melike You quickly jump into extreme and unfounded conclusions, perhaps due to taking offense? Absolutely unnecessary. Anyways, my initial post was simply a moody complaint and opinion- never did I say or suggest that you should not live a certain way! And thanks for the logic review. :)
    I hate ignorant people. You have a wealth of information at your fingertips, why not use it before spewing garbage with utmost confidence?
    Trying to remember life without this noise is like trying to imagine what it's like to not exist or think at all- basically impossible.
    Wow, already after 10 months of T?? I am nearly 9 months in and I can still remember life without this noise very was bliss :(
    Almost 10 months in. I can name quite a few sounds that annoy me way more than my T.
    I'm falling behind, but life keeps going on. If it were to somehow slow down or start over, I don't think I'd bother to change a thing.
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