Recent content by Jordyn

  1. Jordyn

    Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members

    Here I am!¨¨
  2. Jordyn

    Are YouTube Hearing Tests Reliable?

    do you use headphones? i have all the same symptoms and non symptoms as you. I am pretty sure it was from ear buds but the good news is that it went almost completely away as of now.... the bad news is that i can never use those buds again. my GP was confident it would go away.
  3. Jordyn

    Finally the weather is looking up! :)

    Finally the weather is looking up! :)
  4. Jordyn

    my T keeps getting better. Keep the faith.

    my T keeps getting better. Keep the faith.
  5. Jordyn

    Poll: How Often Do You Hear Your Tinnitus in Your Dreams?

    This DID happen to me when i had a spike and it was LOUD at night. i would dream there was a fire alarm going off. Other times it just woke me up very early and made it impossible to fall asleep again.
  6. Jordyn

    How Did Your Tinnitus Start?

    woke up with mine one day after a lame retirement party. not sure why. my suspicion is that i was previously using in ear headphones too loud trying to drown out the noise and shitty music at the gym a few months prior. i can’t figure why a retirement party was what broke the camels back.
  7. Jordyn

    Isn't It OK to Use Headphones Even at Low Volume?

    i think headphones caused mine. i used them at the gym to focus on not ending my life on the treadmill. i dont use them anymore - the headphones or the treadmill.
  8. Jordyn

    Ear Plugs and Concerts

    anyone who doesn't use earplugs, or abuses their ears after having tinnitus, doesn't have tinnitus bad enough to understand the implied threat of it getting worse. Man, I didn't have it that long, and I hope it never comes back. It was going to take a lot of help to get used to that noise till...
  9. Jordyn

    Getting More Tinnitus-Free Mornings

    I don't know what I'm doing to make it better if anything. In the mornings time I tend to hear the ringing as remnants of an earlier more severe bout of tinnitus from June. Lately it's been fading and for more and more days isn't really there. i hope it continues. Does anyone have any life...
  10. Jordyn

    How Quickly Did You Start Habituating to Tinnitus?

    i had it pretty bad for about a month. it gradually faded in loudness and frequency since June and now i only really hear it when i wake up. I'm hoping over time that will go away too. i wish i had listened to how much head noise i had before i actually noticed it the first time. i can't compare...
  11. Jordyn

    Did You See Foreigner Yet? Possible Spoiler Below

    People told me the movie was good. It was just ok for me. Personally I didn't think Jackie Chan's character needed to be in the film at all as he seemed to be a side story more than a key character in plot development. What did you guys think?
  12. Jordyn

    What Are You Gonna Be for Halloween?

    he wants to be the heff more than i wanna be his bunny!!! hahaha! i'm not sure i wanna parade around wearing little to nothing !!!
  13. Jordyn

    What Are You Gonna Be for Halloween?

    im a teacher and im so glad i don't live near my school - i live near A school but not MY school. lol. need some distance from the clientele after 3pm lol
  14. Jordyn

    What Are You Gonna Be for Halloween?

    I wanna be Wonder Woman (or a Hefner "bunny" with my hubby who will be the Heff, but I really wanna be WW.)
  15. Jordyn

    What Is the Most Worthless Class You Ever Took in High School?

    calculus, algebra, finite, physics (although at least this was interesting) chemistry --- i needed these for secondary ed. but i can't say any of these skills are explicitly useful to me in my life now.