Recent content by Jued0713

  1. Jued0713

    Hi, My Name Is Judy.

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really needed that. Change is difficult but I know I will get there. Thanks again.
  2. Jued0713

    Decibel App on Apple Watch

    I had a Samsung Gear S2 watch and I wondered if it could have been partially responsible for my tinnitus because it started right around the same time I started wearing the watch. Any thoughts on that?
  3. Jued0713

    TV Distortion

    I've been having tinnitus since late March 2016. Very hard to adjust to but that's life I guess. I'm afraid to watch TV. I do from time to time watch movies on my phone or laptop.
  4. Jued0713

    Hi, My Name Is Judy.

    I have completely cut TV out of my life. I miss that so much. Any suggestions on how I may be able to watch a little TV? The tinnitus has gotten so much lower but I'm afraid to watch TV.
  5. Jued0713

    Scam?: Tinnitus Terminator

    Hi, My name is Judy Richard. I purchased the Tinnitus Terminator for $67 dollars about 2 weeks ago.