If you find TV bad for your T, perhaps it is not truly the T that is the problem, but that you may have some issue with hyperacusis. Many people develop H after T, including myself. But over time, this form of H tends to fade even if T stays. That happens to me. My H was severe when it started. I couldn't stand noise of any kind, TV, restaurants, movies, parties, dish washing, not even my wife's soft voices when speaking too close. All sounds seemed too loud. Ya, I had to watch TV at the lowest of volume. I had to wear earplugs wherever I went. But forum members advised me not to overprotect from normal sounds. So slowly and grudgingly the earplugs were coming off. Then H faded within the year it started while my ultra high pitch T stays. But my body is now hardened to this T and I don't give a dime to it high or low. I now live a normal, productive and absolutely enjoyable life. I am going fishing now. Life goes on. You will too. Stay calm and positive. Things will improve. See you all later. Take care. God bless.