Recent content by Juice564

  1. Juice564

    Study Suggests Serotonin May Worsen Tinnitus

    I've been on an SSRI for a few years since developing T and it helped me a lot. I didn't have any increase but instead probably diminished since it took my mind off it. Wellbutrin I tried for a week and that on the other hand made a noticeable increase in my T.
  2. Juice564

    New Here, Looking for Support

    Hey Bertman, I wouldn't try searching for that hidden cure somewhere because there isn't one yet and we've all been down that road. Your best bet is to treat your mind, if you are depressed or anxious try to treat that and the tinnitus will be less intrusive believe me. Good luck sir, its a...
  3. Juice564

    I Miss Being Normal

    We are all in this together and are blessed to at least live in a time where a cure is possible. I've had some rough days this week and am slowly climbing out of the abyss. Remember what does not kill us makes us stronger, and you will be stronger! Thank you to this forum and all that...
  4. Juice564

    The Ups and Downs of Tinnitus. Am I Dealing With It Okay?

    Alec your description of your emotions is spot on right down to playing brass, loud headphones and gaming!
  5. Juice564

    I am so scared, and sick.

    As hard as it may be to maintain your normal life activities, it's almost essential to keep doing so. If you have to bury yourself in your favorite hobby or just work for that matter then try it. One thing that helped me was getting put on a SSRI. The anxiety compounds everything. If you can...
  6. Juice564

    "Homeostatic Plasticity Drives Tinnitus Perception in an Animal Model"

    Hmm I'll give it a shot. Think I'll order some today. Thanks for the write up!
  7. Juice564

    Anxious and Terrified

    I take Sertaline (Zoloft) since getting Tinnitus, it hasn't made it worse for me and helped me a lot with the anxiety. Try your best to distract yourself from the sound as hard as that may seem to do. Sounds to me you may have some form of inner ear infection but I'm no doctor. Everyone here...
  8. Juice564

    Clinical Investigation on the Beneficial Effects of the Chinese Medicinal Herb Gushen Pian

    If it's just an herb you'd think a person could order some for tea or something
  9. Juice564

    Plucky's Life

    Hey Fish, no I can't say I had that symptom right after the injection.
  10. Juice564

    Plucky's Life

    sup brah - bro fist to Fish with secret hand shake :) Yeah Louise I was in the trial as well last year. Had a one time injection but didn't really have any change in my T. Hopefully find out what trial group I was in this summer. BTW needles through the ear drum are not fun, I did get dizzy...
  11. Juice564

    Plucky's Life

    TACTT1 patient here! thanks for the update!
  12. Juice564

    How to Deal with the Grief of Tinnitus

    I've had a rough couple of days myself. T isn't any worse but just thinking about it and feeling a bit trapt. I'm on Zoloft which has helped me considerably with the anxiety/depression. I too went through all the stages of loss the first year I developed it. You are not alone and when you wake...
  13. Juice564

    What Hobbies Do You Have? (and Does Tinnitus Interfere?)

    I like engines. My '89 Camaro is my main hobby. However I did buy a project jet ski last summer for fun. Staying focused on a project like these helps me to forget my tinnitus. Needless to say I also pulled out the big stereo I once had in the car, no need for it anymore :(
  14. Juice564

    New to Forum

    Well I would have been more upset had I not at least given it a shot. But yeah I hope to not read someday that I was Mr. Placeabo
  15. Juice564

    New to Forum

    Thanks Calin, Yeah I was told eventually when the study is finished I'll get a copy of the results. Hopefully then I'll be able to determine which group I fell into.