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  • Tomorrow will be the first time I am going to a festival post-T.
    Enjoy! And take care of your ears. :) Keep us updated!
    Have fun!
    I'll be super-safe, just hope I can enjoy myself without worying too much!
    I dreamed that I was in a loud enviroment and my ear started having a stabbing pain in the dream. #pretty weird
    Now I wonder if the pain was there in real life, or just in my dream..
    Recent spike hasn't gone down yet? :(
    Now after a few nights its a bit better yeah, but still it kinda feeds my fear of sound. Like it's actually useful fear..
    Yeah, fear protects us but too much of it can also be bad. Striking a balance is such a challenge though!
    Stuff's worse again. Is this stuff linked to the moon-cycles; because I don't know any more..
    Tinnitus was really quiet for the last couple of days, today a bit louder again. trouble with picking the right volume for my Soundpillow.
    Does the Sound Pillow help a lot?
    It saved me in the worst days and I still feel like I depend on it.
    Have to refuse job after job, it's not only costing me silence and fun, but also money and cool jobs..
    I wish someone could tell me.. I plan to be extra safe this year and next year attend them with the proper protection.
    If they will still give you these opportunities next year it sounds like a good idea.
    Yeah, everyone is really ubderstanding. guess our ears need a long time to gain some durability again, so next year should be fine..
    Can people stop using their horns? Just had a guy with a van 4 metres from me honking.. Almost feels like I should use earplugs in the city.
    I use plus on my daily commute for this reason...
    Everyone should... People who live in the city get hearing loss at one point.
    Yeah I had this experience today also; buses and their letting out of pressure from the air brakes is a newly appreciated annoying noise also.
    I'll might say no to some cool jobs. Things I really would've liked a year ago. Hope it's only this year, that I need to be this safe.
    Awww, that sucks, but your health matters more! But so frustrating that a lot of fun things are loud. :(
    I hope to just leave it at that this year. But next year I might try to do it though. Very well protected.
    I couldn't go to the final round of a case competition organized by one of the FMCG giants.I was choosen for a team of 4 in TR and we were going to fly to Europe for the final part. It could provide me some really amazing opportunities in the future but I don't give a fuck now.I fucked my brain chemistry for those kind of things at a very young age and I don't want to activate even 1 more neuron to complain about it.
    Why is it just not getting better..
    Most of the long-term, noise-induced success stories that I came across report erratic progress over the recovery period. I'm holding on to this hope as I approach the six-month mark. I've had a few quieter days here and there, but the bad days are still with me.
    @Casper out of curiosity, what is the longest term noise induced "success story" that you have come across? I'm still holding out hope well over a year in...
    @SilverSpiral, I think there are a few posts in the Success Stories where the OP recovered after two years. I've also spoken to another member here who is aware of two people who recovered after three years and four years, respectively (all noise-induced).
    What impact does stress have on your ears? Just had quite a stressfull day, and I feel my ear a bit more profound.
    Bah huge spike
    I often wonder : what impact do my ears have on my stress ?
    Ears? probably none. It impacts your brain causing gray matter volume loss, which causes T (Josef Rauschecker model). Everybody with T has a loss of gray matter.
    I am too active here again, damnit. #tooactive=toomuchT or is the other way around?
    I concur. Out of sight out of mind.
    I need to get off this site too. I just can't stop coming back.
    I come back when I feel really good to help who I can, and when I need help myself.
    Why does it keep coming back..
    Cause T is the most obnoxious bitch.
    Mine have come and go so much the past 2 days that i dont even nothice when its gone and then i do 5 minuts
    Later it comes back
    Spikes. Wonder why: Went for a run, had to go into a loud bar for ten seconds to drink it ouside, also clicked my ears. Wonder what cause is
    Don't think it would be the bar. Maybe wind noise from the running? Or just a random spike?
    Not a lot of wind noise luckely. I hope it's random, I tend to click my ears and blow ear through them sometimes. (Without pinching my nose ofcourse.) Hopefully that didn't do any damage..
    Bought new running shoes, and going for the 21 km's today again. Got scared about running when I got T.
    I haven't gone for a run since T started for the same reason you mentioned. I frequently play tennis though and haven't found that it has an effect. Please update us on how the run goes!
    So I got scared again and stopped after 10,5. Didn't notice anything afterwards but my T was quiet bad this night. No idea if it was related.
    Thanks for the update. I hope it calms down again.
    So I sneezed and my ear feels a bit fuller than normal, should I panic?
    If it's linked to your sneezing I don't think it has anything to do with damage.
    Never panic; if need to, try Dymista nasal spray (think you might need a prescription). I'm sure it'll pass. All the best!
    My ears always feel full after sneezing, it doesn't last long these days (grateful for that). I think you'll be fine.
    My jaw is clicking when eating. Is this a sign of jaw problems and possibly peaking my T?
    Could be. Is there a neuromuscular dentist you can see?
    I never heard about such a doctor, guess I can ask my GP for a name, thanks!
    @JurgenG they specifically check out jaws and head posture
    Weird, just discovered that I can also hear my blood flow in my best ear. #new #orjustnoticing
    I can't get over the fact that I might have this because I loosened my earplug in one ear a little.. Why-did-I-do-that. Other ear's better
    Had it with these limitations, I just can't protect myself enough, better lock myself in a basement.
    I know that feeling; my hearing therapist is currently building up my tolerance to sound for that exact reason. I was scared of the sound of the pipes in my house when the heating was on! We'll get better buddy in time!
    Had to film a football match which can be loud, protected myself with headphone, did had my in-ear-phones in with intercom which was quite silent.
    I feel the same. Work is loud and my tinnitus is always the loudest at the end of the work week. If I go to a busy restaurant my tinnitus will spike and take a day or two to settle down. It's no way to live.
    So every time I sleep my T almost dissapears completely. I like! Even after sleeping for an hour or so. It stays away for up to an 1/2 H.
    Can't figure out which exposure is problematic/ Speaker on an iPhone 6 is incredibly loud when calling to a broken phone
    The iPhone 6 has max 105.4 dBA. How long were you on the phone? How close were you to it?
    About 1,5 metres.
    Oh man, if only I didn't went to that party a week after my exposure. It was uber mild so I didn't yet grasp it. it could've gone by now.
    Don't beat yourself up over it. What's done is done.
    @Lex yeah i know, but its always harder to deal with it if it gets (hopefully temporary worse).
    Sleep can really do some crazy things here. I have a feeling of it almost disappearing when I wake up on certain moments.
    I'm not sure if the disappearing is a new thing or not, I've only noticed it recently. If the reason I wake up is because of a bad dream, then the T is usually there right away, though.
    Same here!
    My T doesn't kick in for a bit after waking up..

    Or maybe I just don't notice because I'm tired... hmm
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