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  • Quiting all supplements but Magnesium, inexplainable spikes.
    I do have to say I changed my mindset a bit already, I just don't care as much anymore as months ago.
    It's best to introduce supplements one at a time, that way you can know what kind of effect they are having on you.
    The tones are a-a a-a chaaanging.Changing. Last night I heard crickets, in both ears. Then again hiss, then very quiet hiss, etc..
    Then again louder. Only "loud" thing I've been was a restaurant around 70 dB
    May it change until it goes! Good luck!
    My ear feels -randomly- full again, what can be the cause? No recent loud things happened.
    It happens.
    Mine does this on and off a lot lately.
    Hasn't been so bad since using nasal spray.
    Maybe Eustachian Tubes are clogged?
    I get this too. I think it's part of the whole package of ear issues. :(
    Still hoping for it to just go away. Guess every day there is less chance for that..
    I didn't take you as the serial killer type Spiral ;)
    @Ed209 nah it was a suicide joke, the 8th word could have been "ourselves" which may be even more distasteful given the nature of this site.
    I know what you meant Spiral I'm not that slow. That's one of the main problems on support forums though. You only see the negatives most of the time, and all the positives are talked down. It just adds to the overal feel of hopelessness. Negativity attracts negativity. Positives can come from the most heinous of situations; you've just got to look hard and dig deep to find them.
    What would happen if we sat into an isolated room for a week, hearing nothing bad T. Will the brain filter it?
    @SilverSpiral One of the theories about T is that everyone has some random noise but most of the brains are filtering it out. Ours don't
    "Back to silence" method has nothing to do with sitting in a soundproof room. Nothing would happen, you would just avoid to make your condition worse because of loud noise... I'm staying long enough in silence to confirm that. By the way you would still hear things : eating, moving, brushing your teeth. A week with NO noise is not possible.
    @Foncky I didn't mean that back to silence involved soundproof rooms, I meant that it involves not avoiding/ignoring hearing your T to change your response to it. That's the closest thing I could think would relate to this, as it is a form of habituation, and I know that what Jurgen was talking about would do nothing by itself.
    How hard can it be to "recalibrate" the part of the brain that receives & processes the sound, really?
    I read about meditation and qi gong can help body/mind deal with pain. i was doing those before getting t/h/other hearing damage stuff, now havent been able to since getting it...
    "Very" hard I would say
    What do benzo's actually do, lower all input?
    Is there in a danger in moving your jaw to level your ears? It plopped in my good ear and I felt it rather hard.
    What really "grinds my gears": all these dB-ratings of noise going around. Which is completely off.
    One day a rockconcert is 100 dB, the next it's 130.
    Guns are 120, 130, 140, 150.
    Maybe we could all agree that measurements should be measured at one metre distance for starters.
    Couldn't agree more.
    Why does everything need to be so loud. I keep walking into what feels like mini-explosions..
    Anyone an idea of "popping the ears" is dangerous if you do it too much?
    Okay, so now I know the risk, thanks. Stopped it already!
    Alternative option: Pinch your nose and swallow. Works for me.
    I wouldn't think so. Using a EarPopper would be the same thing, only using controlled pressure.
    Been in a loud setting today, maybe 40 minutes of music spread over the day and some small other peaks, used earplugs, but still worried.
    With earplugs I am very sure you're fine.
    You are worried over nothing ...
    Yeah Amber, you are right. The day after that I had something worse though. Twice 110 dB (for less than second) in my in-ear-headphones.
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