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  • Hey Karel ik las jouw ervaring met hyperacusis en ik kan goed begrijpen hoe het voelt en wat het met je doet. Ik vroeg me af hoe het nu gaat met je? Hoe is het met je H en T? Ik heb sinds kort veel last van mijn hyperacusis en tinnitus waar het eerder altijd heel mild was. In mijn geval is het getriggerd door hard geluid vooral door externe stress(studie, relatie) verergerd. gr. dboy
    Hey Karel, just to know if you're feeling a bit better? Take care :).
    In my case, my left ear is hurting plus my left part of my face. I cannot do anything when this pain occurs. I try to be strong but everyday is challenge oh Gosh.
    I try to avoid wearing earplugs because I've read in several places that that can actually make the ears more sensitive. But my ear hurts so often, I think maybe it's time I start doing that too, yeah..
    As for not letting it affect my life... I don't really have a choice. I'm in my late thirties, I live alone, and T&H are not a a valid reason for disability leave here. I'll have to keep going out to work, the supermarket, and other places... I don't really see an alternative. If some day my condition gets so bad that that's impossible, I don't know what I'll do anymore.
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