Recent content by Karel

  1. Karel

    What's the Real Difference Between Using Headphones and a Telephone?

    I know for a fact that talking on the phone can make T permanently worse, because that happened to me a few years ago. It wasn't a regular call though, it lasted several hours with only a few short breaks, and I also have H which probably has something to do with it too. (I did keep the phone...
  2. Karel

    Why Do I Keep Hearing That Everyone Has "a Sound in Their Ears"?

    Yeah, I've had this happen a few times too. I'll tell someone I have Tinnitus, then they say "Oh, yeah, I have that too!", then on further questioning turns out once or twice a month they hear a faint sound for a few minutes when they're tired or something.. :banghead:
  3. Karel

    Flying with Bad Tinnitus and (Especially) Hyperacusis, Experiences?

    It was the same kind of plane, and I was sitting in about the same seat, as far forwards away from the engines as I could afford. So yeah, my feeling is something went wrong at the airport.
  4. Karel

    Flying with Bad Tinnitus and (Especially) Hyperacusis, Experiences?

    Ah. Sure. In the end I did take that flight. And the flight there went fine, as before I wore noise-cancellation headphones the whole flight and that seemed to do the trick. However, after the return flight when I got home again it did feel like my T had worsened. While at the airport waiting...
  5. Karel

    Introducing My New Book "Living With Tinnitus"

    It seems I downloaded it with no problems here in the Netherlands (via the Dutch Amazon site). Thanks!
  6. Karel

    One of the Strangest Success Stories I Have Ever Read

    That sounds like a really bad idea.
  7. Karel

    Symptonen zijn denk ik ook wel iets minder dan het vroeger was ja. Ik denk dat als je er minder...

    Symptonen zijn denk ik ook wel iets minder dan het vroeger was ja. Ik denk dat als je er minder mee bezig bent je lichaam het ook minder opmerkt, of zo.
  8. Karel

    Hoi dboy, ik heb nog veel last. D.w.z., geluid is nog steeds luid, en ik vind het nog steeds...

    Hoi dboy, ik heb nog veel last. D.w.z., geluid is nog steeds luid, en ik vind het nog steeds vervelend om in lawaaiige omgevingen te zijn, en moet blijven uitkijken met vuurwerk en alarmen enz. Maar het begint ook wel weer een beetje te wennen, dat ik er iig niet meer 24/7 aan denk, dus dat is...
  9. Karel

    A Day of Silence / Trouble at Work

    Hoi @bekker, ik ben nog steeds niet begonnen aan de TRT, dat heeft vooral te maken met de kosten. Dat is geld wat ik op dit moment helaas niet echt kan missen. Misschien dat ik later alsnog TRT probeer.
  10. Karel

    This Picture Perfectly Sums Up Tinnitus Talk

    Pretty clever.
  11. Karel

    What Was Your Favorite Subject?

    Math! Woo!
  12. Karel

    Are Some More Vulnerable Than Others?

    My hearing definitely has been 'weak' all my life. I remember as a kid we had an old TV and its volume slider was broken, sometimes if someone touched it the TV would suddenly jump to the maximum volume. Whenever that would happen it always had me running for the hills. It didn't have that...
  13. Karel

    Flare Audio's ISOLATE Ear Plugs

    Oh, yeah, sure. I'll post here once I've received them and got to try them out for a while.
  14. Karel

    From Bad to Worse

    Yeah, I haven't heard that before. People can get T in all kinds of weird ways, the ears are so fragile, at least for some of us. :/
  15. Karel

    Flare Audio's ISOLATE Ear Plugs

    I backed it. I'm not sure they'll really do what they promise (always the problem with Kickstarter and the like), but if they do, I want a pair. Just pop one in my bad ear whenever I go to a potentially noisy place and I'll feel much safer. Still no going to fireworks shows or construction sites...