Recent content by Karengals

  1. K

    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    I tried lipoflavinoids for 3 months, did nothing
  2. K

    New Noises and MRI Scan on Saturday. So Scared. Please Help!

    VickiD Thanks for your help, yes my anxiety is terrible, I see a therapist for it I have never had to worry about this MRI thing do its a new stressor. I've been calling people on the Ata website etc for help. I appreciate ur feedback I want to get this over with so bad and have mri
  3. K

    New Noises and MRI Scan on Saturday. So Scared. Please Help!

    VickiD Thanks for responding. I'm new to this site , I hope I will be ok, I can't handle louder t ❤️
  4. K

    New Noises and MRI Scan on Saturday. So Scared. Please Help!

    How was the MRI How are u? I have to get one too and I'm scared of the noise, was it ok with earplugs and the earmuffs
  5. K

    Earplugs for MRI?

    How was your MRI I have one coming up and am scared too
  6. K

    Scared to Have MRI

    I have to have an MRI for a shoulder injury, I have had tinnitus for 5 years, I'm so scared to do the MRI because of noise. Does anyone here have any suggestions? Has anyone had an MRI and what happened? Very anxious here!