Recent content by Karianne

  1. Karianne

    Noise-Cancelling Headphones for Constant Industrial Noise?

    I am considering buying the new Bose QuietComfort 25 but then the oddest thing struck me. Since the microphones pick up external sound and produce a sound to counter this won't this increase the actual decibel level even though you cant hear it? I know this sounds silly but I just cant wrap my...
  2. Karianne

    Has Anyone Experienced Serious Setbacks and Then Rehabituated?

    Not that I recall. And I would have remembered.
  3. Karianne

    Post Concussion Tinnitus?

    My very first meeting with tinnitus was after head-trauma when I was 13 years old. I fell off my bicycle face first into the pavement, and suffered an minor fraction on my skull. That tinnitus was quite mild and got even milder over time until it completely went away. I believe it has little or...
  4. Karianne

    Has Anyone Experienced Serious Setbacks and Then Rehabituated?

    The only minor drawback is that your ears are sealed shut for a good ten minutes or so. I have done it twice and the first time was really stressful since it was so short after the onset of my tinnitus, The second time was years after my habituation so I wasn't bothered by it.
  5. Karianne

    Has Anyone Experienced Serious Setbacks and Then Rehabituated?

    I would suggest getting siliconeearplugs molded for you with interchangeable filters. They are quite expensive but can be used again and again. I have those and they work for me in moderately loud environments such as restaurants and subwaystations. You can even hook up your Ipod and they work...
  6. Karianne

    Anti-Anxiety Medication?

    Thank you Billie. I used anti axiety meds for a few weeks when I first got T but managed to deal with it and habituate without AD back then. I am afraid of becoming dependant on anything and I'm afraid of making my T worse by taking prescription drugs. I have som Sobril on my Kitchen counter...
  7. Karianne

    Loud places to avoid...

    Hopefully mine will settle down and if/when it does I will come back and share the news and not just drop out like most people who gets better do. But I think it's natural for people to just move on and stop thinking about T once they habituate.
  8. Karianne

    Loud places to avoid...

    I have been to both wedding receptions and loud restaurants without any problems, and I think my recent spike is as much due to anxiety as the loud noises I have been exposed to lately. I think our worst enemy is our fear and anxiety and that this is what spins us out of Balance. Hopefully I...
  9. Karianne

    Anti-Anxiety Medication?

    You have tried both anti-anxiety and anti depressant but not using anything now? I consider trying out anti depressants now since i struggle with thoughts on not wanting to live with this. My fear is that I will become dependant and will have to take them for the rest of my life. I was...
  10. Karianne

    Anti-Anxiety Medication?

    I will talk to my doctor about anti depressants since my main problem now isn't so much the anxiety as the feeling of despair. I just feel like I'll never find any kind of happiness ever in my life again.
  11. Karianne

    Anti-Anxiety Medication?

    Its called Sobril (oxazepam)
  12. Karianne

    Has Anyone Experienced Serious Setbacks and Then Rehabituated?

    Mine are siliconebased and molded for my ears. Lowers 20 or 25db (dont remember exactly) and they have worked fine for me for several years.
  13. Karianne

    Anti-Anxiety Medication?

    I have been prescribed anti-anxiety meds and contemplates trying them out since I have alot of anxiety and panic attacks. Anybody out there who has had any trouble with these kinds of meds? Really afraid that I'll make it worse although I cant see how much louder this can get right now.
  14. Karianne

    High-frequency beeeep in headphones :-(

    I got my life back more than 100% the first time although there are things I stopped doing like going to loud concerts and stuff but I have never really missed that so it wasn't a problem. I rarely paid attention to my tinnitus in the last 4 or 5 years so it's a big contrast to how I'm feeling...
  15. Karianne

    High-frequency beeeep in headphones :-(

    You might be right since I am panicking. But the sound was loud and piercing like cricket in my ear and when I think about it I get an anxiety attack. This sucks.