Recent content by kgrandchamp

  1. kgrandchamp

    Hello from Geneva, Switzerland! :)

    Hi AuntSally! No I don't really have a pulsing element to my T. It's mainly a steady high pitched sound like an airplane reactor with an electronic tinge to it, around 6000 hz! I found that out with the online "ACRN Tinnitus protocol" (be careful as the sound is VERy loud) at...
  2. kgrandchamp

    Hello from Geneva, Switzerland! :)

    Hi Sunshine! From my experience, mindfulness, especially the kind derived from Vipassana meditation, has one observing everything that is happening around and inside you. That can be a bit frustrating as I've often spent whole meditation sessions listening blissfully to the swishing and hissing...
  3. kgrandchamp

    I Am New on This Forum

    Salut Christophe! Je suis membre du group aussi! Bien le bonjour! Nous sommes maintenant membres des "Joyeux accouphéniques de Genève" et de "Tinnitus Talks"! hahaha! A la semaine prochaine Christophe! :)
  4. kgrandchamp

    Hello from Geneva, Switzerland! :)

    Hello All! I am 65 and retired. I now have time to be myself and delve deeper into my interests! I love nature, biology (BSc in natural sciences from the Open University obtained in 2002 at the ripe age of 52) , the ocean, forests, philosophy, music and... the sound of silence! (haha) I...