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  • NHL season is upon us! Watching the kings as I type. Plus kings got one of my favorite wild players
    Been having a lot of trouble with my hands, more icing on the cake.
    @Forever hopeful Well I was being a depressed bum and didnt shower for 4, maybe 5 days and my hands, though still pruning, were starting to feel better. I showered today and they are back to being bad. I think my shampoo and bodywash irritated them. it seems like it's a skin issue.
    I think they may be pruning because my fingers seem to have no grip - as in the skin is so smooth everything slips out of my grasp.
    Forever hopeful
    Carpal tunnel?
    Still trying to figure out why a low dose of gabapentin every other day for 5 days lessens my T for the final 3 days, then stops working.
    My tinnitus has been so bad the past couple of months - tones getting worse, new tones - It seems it's all permanent now, and not a spike.
    Sorry man same here. It seems if hyperacusis can't stabilize it's just nonstop worsening :(
    I was always thrown by the word shit is just downhill all the time.
    Static in right ear is starting to become a ring off and on.
    Hopefully it rings off and doesn't come back on :)
    @Strawberryblonde It worsens about every 6 months. Started out as tv static, then switched to a air-being-let-out-of-tire sound, now it's whistling.

    It doesn't behave like the rest of my tinnitus. It never waivers, is always constant at the same volume and intensity, and no medications or other factors seem to change it in any way.
    Sorry to hear that @kingsfan it's bloody awful the way T behaves.
    Can't tell if not taking gabapentin last night or only getting 5 hours of sleep is the culprit today.
    Gabapentin seems to be the only thing that takes away the electricity in my head. It only works for about 5 days, so I alternate on and off.
    @sakrt I'll have to look into it. I've been taking the smallest dose (100mg) once a day, every other day, for 2-3 doses then stopping for 5-7 days. It seems to lower my tinnitus immediately after it is removed from my system (36 hours or so), and the effect lasts about 12-24 hours (I'll have to monitor exactly how long it lasts). I wonder if it's some sort of slingshot effect on gabba production or what.
    @kingsfan 100mg is low dose, so I think you'd be ok. Gabapentin is not a nice drug. Zero effect to T, but helps manage H. Brain-fog and numb. Do you get same side-effects?
    @TheDanishGirl Gabapentin may help your spastic click-pain in middle ear. Maybe @kingsfan 's strategy, may help you too?
    @sakrt Yea, if I take more than 100mg it gives me trouble with memory and brain fog. That amount also relaxes me, but makes me off balance and drunk feeling, so I stick to the minimum amount.

    I'm thinking of opening the capsules and measuring half the dose daily and see what that does. It does have an effect, but only on certain tones - others it doesn't affect. It's all very strange.
    "The human ear is most sensitive to sound frequencies between 500 Hz and 6 kHz (especially around 4 kHz)" 4khz is one of my worst T tones!
    Wow. $438 for 2 Disneyland tickets & can't enter 2nd park until after 1pm. That's almost as much as 2 premium yearly passes used to cost.
    @kingsfan yep, went to Animal Kingdom last December and paid extra for fast pass only to find out you have to reserve your times lot on each ride, which was already booked up or unavailable that day. Still was an awesome experience.
    I used to go every weekend. We'd all go into the park and I'd run around and grab fast passes for every ride. Then we'd go see the shows and parades, then drink at the cove bar, then finally ride all the rides with our fast passes.
    2 years ago today, I would have been testing out used Orange amplifiers in the local music shops all around Orange County.
    Hello and sorry you are still here...hoping you heal up and get on with life! Hugs and support.
    Bro that sounds heartbreaking, yesterday I was supposed to be going to a concert, and was anticipating it since last year, had to give up my tickets.
    Not be a pessimist, but even if Auricle works I'll never be the same. I'm terrified of sound. At least I can cower in peace though.
    Yup. I just had my car horn go off in front of me no protection and I nearly died in panic lol
    Imagine the things you can do then.. sleep normally. Taking a nap. Read.. oh Boy.
    Exactly. But I think if it truly got rid of our tinnitus I think through slow exposure without having any spikes or T coming back, we can regain some more normalcy and comfortability with sound. Maybe not like going to concerts or anything crazy but at least not living in anxiety around every day normal sounds.
    Hi, I was wondering what your experience was on zoloft? I thought you had mentioned taking in the past but I can't remember for sure.
    @kingsfan I'm currently
    unmedicated for my my adhd, as far I've heard it shouldn't interfere with your tinnitus, people with adhd can get hyper fixations, so if it helps with the fixations it might help you with obsessing less with the tinnitus. Everyone reacts differently to the medications so some might see a change in their tinnitus while others won't
    @kingsfan I forgot, there's stimulant medications for adhd and there's also non stimulant, I would try the non stimulant first.
    Forever hopeful
    My son has ADHD and anxiety. He takes Stratera. People with co morbid anxiety or not candidates for stimulants.
    Upped my melatonin dosage to try and get to bed before 3am. Not looking forward to vivid dreams.
    What dose are you taking? Does it affect your tinnitus either way?
    @tpj I normally take 1mg. Last night I took 3mg. It does not affect my tinnitus in any way.
    These new tones i have are more than just sound, they have a sensation.
    Are they low frequency or high? I have low frequency pulsating humming/buzzing in my ears that can be both felt and heard.
    @TheDanishGirl Have exactly this, and very severe atm making it so difficult to cope to. It's not understood by most people because I have acquired symptoms that parallels with SSCD.:( Words of encouragement from some here helps the struggling mind and pain.
    @TheDanishGirl I have high and now some extended-high frequency buzzing, hissing, sirens with a buzzing/electrical feeling.
    My daughter's birthday is in 3 weeks. I told her I would back by then. Need to kick into overdrive and find a job.
    Relax and approach the job search systematically, there is always a bit of lag between looking for work and getting work
    I've gotten 0 done and my tinnitus is louder than ever. I need some serious help but I have no idea where to turn. I suspect I may have always had ADHD and tinnitus is exacerbating it to non-functionable levels.
    Hey there..Hope you are covid free and feeling better soon! Did the doctor recommend or did you try FeverFew? Im trying to find it now...
    I haven't had a fever yet, just sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and dry cough. It came on quick - overnight - which is not typically how my body responds to a common cold.

    I'm waiting three days or so to use an at-home rapid antigen test I have. I'm really out of my element outside of southern california.
    Ah, I messed up in asking..I meant did the UCI dr. recommend Feverfew? Its on the migraine supplement list and wanted to know if you tried it.. Im guessing you didnt! :)
    Still sucks being sick...sorry.
    oh i've never even heard of that. Such an odd name for a migraine med.
    covid test in a few days. At least my old roommate was very wary of spreading illness throughout the house...
    Well I think my mom gave me whatever cold-like illness she has. Will have to see if my high-deductible insurance will make me pay for my own
    Feel better, lots of allergens in the air here in Texas.
    I think the only way of surviving this is to just run, like Forrest Gump, but for the rest of my life.
    I thought moving from Orange County/Los Angeles county to the rural countryside would mean less noise exposure. It's only been the opposite.
    I'm not sure how to manage so many tones in one ear. My left ear is completely destroyed. The high pitch ones are absolute torture.
    @twa How do you manage with studying? You were getting your masters or doctorate or something, weren't you?

    I'm trying to study to move from being a front-end web developer to full-stack, but I cannot seem to get anything done.
    Tones, tones..are we talking tones? Holy fuck do I have a chorus. How is it even possible for one damn ear drum to make so much fucking noise? It's got to be a neuro issue first and ear damage second. Its both ears here. WTF.
    @kingsfan hey, I am working on my doctorate. I just passed my qualifying exams, so I'm now a candidate. It's hard and at times I think I'm doing too much with teaching college also. I have to really watch my stress levels. I think having a goal does help keep the focus off the T/H.
    Well I officially lost my Westone customs in the move.Wanted to try them out again bc I just noticed that my left ACS doesnt seal completely
    Hi there! Do you have advice for over the ear protection? I see you recommended a few models for MRI's. Im looking for decent protection without heavy, air tight pressure on my ears. I bought gun range ones and they snap so loud and its work to get them open. Too heavy duty. Been using old headphones but need ones just a bit more protective. Checking out Amazon. Thank you and hope your spike is settling down!
    I have only used Peltor x4a and x5a. I liked both. I prefer to wear x4a with earplugs underneath. x5a are really big and bulky but probably better protection for an mri machine. x5a with a pair of foam earplugs will give around 37-38nrr of protection.

    Earmuffs will fit tight, it's how they seal around the ear.
    Yea, I dont or cant tolerate tight ear muffs. Trying to find a place between just normal headphones and protectors. Not to tight or heavy. Thanks for the advice.
    Those two peltors, while fitting tight, aren't difficult to open nor do they snap. Just some moderate pressure against the head.
    Despite spiking, I went on a pontoon boat today. Not sure if it was dumb idea yet. Probably was.
    Hopefully your ears will have calmed down again by now!
    @MaxRabbit You're still in the acute phase where fluctuations are quite common.

    I'm becoming less and less active now that I spike so easily. Last year I did all kinds of stuff despite my tinnitus being really loud.
    @Leila The last two days have been difficult. Hopefully it settles down and I can just use the experience as another data point, rather than a life-changing event.
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