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  • My left ear is ringing so loud tonight. The only thing that happened today was I dropped something in the shower.
    Yeah that's enough. Someone just has to close the door and place a cup down next to me to set mine off. I guess I'm just used to the constant fluctuations in volume and tones. No day is the same.
    1of1 Custom (the name for ACS custom in the US) are having a 20% off sale until June 20th. Now is the time to buy.
    Just took a covid test. The punches keep coming.
    @Steph1710 I don't mean to be a downer, but I have had a lot of thoughts of just ending things on the last day of my lease here. Someone would find me the next day at least. But I've ultimately decided to hang on longer.
    @kingsfan Glad to hear your feeling a bit better. Covid had me bed ridden for like 4 days last summer. It's rough cause anything stacked on top of T and stress seems unsurmountable. I'm glad you've decided to ride with us a bit longer. I sincerely hope you can find the physical and mental healing you are in need of during this stressful time.
    Hang in there @kingsfan to be honest, I've been in a dark place recently too. This seems impossible…but others have learned to deal with it, so we can too. I can't think that the rest of my life will be as miserable as this past year. There has to be a way through. Stay strong brother.
    T is feeling slightly worse today after the dentist. I should have asked not to use the suction thing and wore earplugs during the xray.
    Something irritated the hell out of my tinnitus yesterday though. Hopefully nothing permanent bc it's like electricity going through my brain right now.
    I'm dreading going to the dentist but I have to haven't had my teeth cleaned in 3 years.
    @Joey72, my dentist used a thing called airflow to clean/polish your teeth. Worth looking into.
    Went to the dentist for the first time since developing loud T. What did me in?The stupid screeching of the xray arm every time it was moved
    Things that we would never have even considered before. Seems like a joke.
    @Steph1710 Right? it's impossible to be completely prepared for everything. Basically have to learn how to handle each situation by suffering through it at least once. Not the way I want to figure things out.
    New season of "The Boys" has so many tinnitus sounds in it. Keep the remote near you at all times to mute.
    I love how in media the "[RINGING] " after gunshots and explosions always goes away. Hahaha....
    Thanks for the heads up. Haven't seen S3 yet… how are u liking it? Homelander still being a douchebag?
    They're not even using it for the usual tinnitus explosion/gunshot effect. It's being used when a character is having a sort of mental-breakdown moment, and there is absolutely no warning when it starts.
    Damn floater right in my view today. Can't seem to get it move out of the way.
    @TheDanishGirl While outside pumping gas yesterday, I counted at least 3 in each eye. I don't know if that is considered a lot. I've had them for a long time now, though I think I do have a couple new ones recently.
    I would consider that in the normal range. But they always suck. I have an uncountable amount myself. Like 50 or more maybe, and some are long strings and quite large. I know I will have a vitrectomy eventually. Mine gets worse over time.
    @TheDanishGirl I can't even imagine having that amount. Mine are also very stringy now, while they used to just be dots. But I'm okay as long as I'm not in bright light.
    Now I've been summoned for jury duty on top of trying to get a job and move across the country in less than 30 days. -_-
    It sucks though, bc I was trying to stay under the radar with my address possibly changing to out of state for a few months... Not sure yet how that will affect my cobra health insurance.
    @BrOKeN_1 Last time I was called for duty, they asked me if I trusted cops and I couldn't lie.. so the prosecutor dismissed me.
    whew back to high-pitch static, metal-scraping. I thought circumin was helping but I guess I can save some money now.
    Will be storing expensive home audio speakers, amps, studio monitors - don't want them ruined by moisture and other things...
    If anyone has tips with keeping furniture and things in public storage let me know. Don't want roachies and want to insure everything.
    Spike seemed to be going back down, then the door stop to my bedroom door stuck to the door paint with the heat and made a loud sound.
    I couldn't help but laugh at your post, because I know it so well. XD
    @Wrfortiscue Man, I was returning some ikea stuff to clear out my garage and there were some screaming kids in the returns area. I had to take out one of my earplugs too bc I couldn't hear the employee that was helping me.
    @Steph1710 yea it's ridiculous haha. I think this house has been a big contributor to my constant worsening. I should have never moved in. My last place was so quiet except for the neighbors.
    I've having heart problems lately - All-day PVCs and PACs. Tonight my resting heart rate has been betwen 90-102. Can't catch my breath.
    @kingsfan could be GAD. Doesn't hurt to get an ekg ultrasound unless no insurance then it hurts lol
    @Wrfortiscue I had issues with this a few years ago. I wore a monitor for a month. That's how I know what it is right now. It went away for a couple of years though and now it's back with a vengeance.
    PVCs have been better the last 3 days, knock on wood. Not completely gone, but they aren't debilitating me now, thank god.
    Squeaky brakes through my double-pane windows still made me wince. is that recruitment or hyperacusis?
    Brakes and shopping carts! Need to be outlawed
    Well I mean squeeky brakes. Probably need to keep brakes
    @Rockman I've caught myself a few times pulling up to the drive thru with my window down and hot brakes.
    Throwing in the towel on hoping this new sound won't be permanent. I was doing pretty decent before Covid in January...
    I'm throwing in the towel on protecting my ears. What's the point…it doesn't change anything…
    Tinnitus has been extra terrible all day. Trying hard to not let it consume me.
    What da heck is wrong with us? I've lived like a hermit. Still doesn't get better
    @Rockman Yep. We are so careful, yet one little mishap and everything turns to shit. Would have been okay to just live with what I originally had, but it just keeps getting worse.
    I'm hurting these days as well…this is miserable
    No swearing at the tv tonight during the kings game. I'm cheering for the kings myself
    No fortunately, I kept my emotions in check. I now switch my attention to rooting against Edmonton and Tampa Bay
    Ya wild crapped the bed also.
    @Rockman Yea. I'm sorry man. They really did. Buuuut... Blues always give the Kings a really hard time too.
    some white noise along with ear protection. (waited over 5 minutes to post this as a comment to my last post but it wasn't happening)
    It's been difficult finding nrr ratings for custom IEMs, but I have found that Sensaphonics are rated at 29nrr. I may get some to have...
    high-pitched static is kicking ass once again.
    I quite enjoy my low level static. It's calming, and usually means my other tones are quieter.
    @Steph1710 Yea I have static in both ears... pretty loud in my right ear.. but this is different. It's in my head. It's very very high-pitch, like 16khz high. And it oscillates and fizzles and just completely puts a barrier between me and my surroundings.
    High pitched ring I was gifted by Covid had been gone the past week until I went for a drive today ugh.
    Sorry to hear about that…
    @kingsfan the bliss of a tone going, and the hell of it coming back. Plays with the emotions so much.
    I ran out of circumin and so haven't taken it in a week. I wonder if it was helping with this tone? Wonder if I should spend the $20-$30 on it...
    Hey is it normal for the earasers to make a bunch of noise when putting them on? Also I can hear a lot around me but the loud noises are cut down, plus my voice is boomy. I'm assuming all normal? Trying the 19 and 31 db
    If your finger slides around on the filter when you put them in they can be noisy. I think I told you that I would get my fingernail stuck to them a lot and it would make a really loud snapping sound. You have to be careful putting them in.
    Yes everything should sound clear but just turned down a bit. I have the 19's and they don't really do much. I don't ever wear them. The 31's are clear enough to have a convo while giving better protection.
    The occlusion isn't great on these but the deeper you can get them in, the less you'll hear it. Perhaps try a smaller size earpiece. The problem with these is they are universal so you may not get a perfect fit. I have problems with my right ear with these, but they got the job done.
    A speaker on each nightstand playing cricket sounds, fan, air purifier, and phone playing tv shows.. that's my new sleep regimen.
    My tinnitus is super loud but I learned to sit and sleep in silence mostly bc it's easily irritated.
    I'm 1.5 years in and still cannot be in silence
    I can't do external sound when I'm sleeping. I prefer total silence…weird how we tinnitus sufferers require such different solutions to the same problem…
    Too many sounds
    Are you getting new tones? If so how?
    wish I didn't relate.
    Just the really high-pitch stuff from covid that fluctuates. Would like to go back to the single terrible tone in my left ear, but now there are a multitude of sounds in my left ear and the static in my right is incredibly loud and irritating.
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