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  • Flung my phone through the air and onto the hard floor while searching for it in my blankets on my bed. Tinnitus does not feel good now.
    Yup, crazy life to have, isn't it? We gotta worry about such trivial things—the things most ppl take for granted or wouldn't even think twice about; the things that often define our very lives and the moods we're in… like we're prisoners to them. Living with these conditions is like being on an alien planet that wasn't made for u; u feel incompatible, different, and alone, yet here we are somehow, fucked.
    @Steph1710 Yea I have no manner of luck at all -_-
    @Jerad An ordinary person would be worried they cracked their screen, but not us.
    Got a cold sore for the first time in my life today. Only kissed one person, one time in the past 2 yrs and Im gifted this? Im devastated rn
    @makeyourownluck I have an ex who got them. I just avoided contact with their mouth during outbreaks, but we did accidentally kiss a couples times. I wonder if it could lie dormant in my body for several years though before having my first outbreak.

    It's just I have so many other health things along with this. it's just the final straw. I also get incredibly fixated on things, so it's hard to move on.
    If that's the case then it would seem likely that you've had it in your system for years, it's just never caused noticeable symptoms before. These viruses are opportunistic and activate in times of great stress/illness.

    If you can reduce stress that would be good. Your body is letting you know it's tired and run down.
    I understand feeling undesirable because of health issues, but as I said, most sexually active people have HSV whether they know it or not. Some people get it from being kissed as babies, it's just one of those things.

    You may obsess over it because that is your nature, but try not go to far down the rabbit hole. It will not stop you from finding a long term partner. You seem like a nice guy.
    Super lightheaded today. I think a migraine may be on its way.
    I've been getting headaches like everyday lately. I think it's the t just making me nauseous.
    I used to get headaches that would last weeks at a time. Not so much anymore. I think magnesium helps a lot.
    My ACS customs should be arriving in the mail today. I can't believe I'm this excited over ear plugs.
    @kingsfan do you use foam plugs/custom plugs for different things? Since I began using foam I pretty much stopped wearing others. I barely get any occlusion effect from them and can just about chat to people with them in
    @Charburchar I'm not really a fan of foam. The pressure from the expansion makes my ears ache and the texture inflames my ear canals. There is so much low frequency attenuation that I feel completely disconnected from my surroundings. I do agree that the occlusion can't be beat though.
    Also I can't make out a word anyone is saying in foam, especially if they have a mask on, but I also can't understand any dialogue on tv/movies without reading subtitles so maybe I just can't make out speech regardless of the earplugs.
    Does a spike mean damage has been done? Even if the spike subsides am I accumulating damage?
    Damage happens because the sound waves are too strong and damage your ear. If you are spiking below 70db it's because your ears are more sensitive and hyperacusis.
    I spike when I play my acoustic guitar, even with earplugs in... even with FOAM earplugs in. I don't spike in a loud restaurant with earplugs in.

    These kinds of things just make me crazy. I need to build a solid set of boundaries and routines, but I cannot when nothing makes sense.
    If volume isn't the problem then I believe frequency is. My ears HATE even low volume high pitch noises. A loud restaurant I would be ok in because the frequencies associated with speech are low frequency.
    Doing even worse.. new tone that has been making me lightheaded since having stomach flu and a fever over the weekend
    I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired. I can barely take care of myself. I need help. I don't know where to turn.
    There's just been so much going wrong in my life the past 2 years, I'm just drowning. Everything is on fire and needs to be taken care of right now, but I can only handle one thing at a time. I know I need professional help but I just sit and disassociate all day long or I panic and just have to leave the house and drive around endlessly.
    Exactly what I do. Drive around endlessly. Hope u get relief soon.
    I know the feeling…
    Hey, How are your lungs?
    All over the place. Sometimes okay, but not great.. other times completely terrible. Can't take a deep breath without coughing my head off.
    Hey just curious if any sound therapy is working for u now? I had moderate success with crickets last nite but read crickets don't work for u anymore. Curious what changed?
    I can't tell if I'm doing everything right or wrong. I cant remember what my T was like a year ago to gauge if I need to protect more or not
    My lungs are feeling terrible today. Going to give myself an acoustic trauma with all this coughing...
    If you're not taking an expectorant, try getting your hands on some cough suppressant. You'll sleep more easily and won't feel so sore and exhausted because of all the coughing.
    Get well, soooooon!
    @Leila it's my asthma from having covid. On a round of prednisone which usually works wonders when it gets out of control, but it's not helping at all this time.
    Sorry to hear that something that usually works for you refuses to do so this time round. Hopefully it just needs a little longer to kick in and for you to feel better!
    I can't even bother with the success stories anymore. Everyone is reporting getting better in the half the time. I think Im beyond the limit
    How do you all manage to wear higher rated earplugs without losing your mind from the loudness of your tinnitus?
    @kingsfan I wear them and endure the noise because it's better than having a worsening… :(
    I just don't want to endure it if I don't have to. Driving in my car, even with music on is between 68-71db. I don't think I need 32db of protection. One could argue I don't need any at all, but I put in some light 11-13db plugs and I can enjoy the ride quite a bit more. Same with the super market, or at the park. When I'm on the trail I don't use plugs at all.
    The problem is, the few times I've been caught with my light plugs in a parking lot and a car alarm, horn, harley motorcycle goes by. In a restaurant I can't have a conversation with heavy plugs, so in go the light ones.

    I'm not sure if my worsening was because of Covid and alcohol now. Was it cumulative noise exposure? I can't ever tell if I'm doing things right.
    I don't know how I'm supposed to interact with my surroundings when my head sounds and feels like electricity is moving through it nonstop
    I used to love the opening track on Pink Floyd's Division Bell because of the weird electrical crackling sounds in the beginning...Then I got those kind of sounds permanently stuck in my head...I don't listen to that track anymore...
    Recently learned that an ice pack on your chest can stimulate the vagus nerve, so I'm gonna lie down with an ice pack and some earplugs ;-)
    I'm sorry to hear that. Did it mess with your T or H?
    Couldn't handle the strength of my tinnitus
    Well, at least you gave it a try. Could have had a different outcome, too. <hugs>
    Just called the doctor to make an appointment and now I'm dizzy. Anxiety is killing me in all ways. Can't even make a simple phone call.
    Trying the breathing thing.. where you breathe out slower than you breathe in.. gives me even more anxiety. I just feel like "hurry up and breathe already!"
    @kingsfan I went to an audiologist who was trained in TRT and CBT to learn coping skills for T. Now I have $2500 less in my bank account and my coping skills are about what they were when I started the therapy!
    @kingsfan i like box breathing. 4 seconds in, wait 4 seconds, out 4 seconds.
    ultra high frequency tone still lingering since having covid.
    Hope it goes away soon. Covid effects seem to last a bit longer after recovery than other illness. Maybe tinnnitus tones included
    I hope so. It's brutal.
    16 months in. 0 progress habituating. Is there a certain amount of time for one's T to stabilize first before they can begin habituation?
    Have you tried to get to the bottom of why it spikes in that way, @kingsfan? Spikes to sounds that aren't objectively loud, more so permanent ones, are abnormal. Do you have any hyperacusis? Wouldn't implementation of a little more hearing protection in everyday life slow down the progression?
    No hyperacusis, though high frequencies sound very harsh. I wear earplugs for most activities. I normally use 19SNR earplugs when going out. That's 15dba protection after de-rating. My car is usually between 65-71dba so that shouldn't be an issue. For loud things like running my coffee grinder or vacuuming I wear 32NRR foam plugs and 31NRR muffs.
    To me, it looks like you're doing everything right, @kingsfan.
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