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  • How many decibels is an acoustic emissions test?
    Less than the AR test but still quite a bit of clicking.
    I personally had no issues with it, maybe a tiny spike.
    Avoid AR like the plagues of egypt.
    I refused the acoustic reflex, but I don't know why I went ahead with the acoustic emissions test. T has been spiked all day ever since. Didn't really seem loud at the time, but wasn't exactly soft.
    I'm not going to be on here as much. Ton of notifications too. Sorry if I don't reply to any of you.
    Take it easy handsome. X
    Take it easy @kingsfan. Hope you'll come back with your typically funny and on the mark posts;)
    I left comment on the wrong post whoops ----- As soon as I say I'm taking time off here, boooom, I get a spike. I think maybe I'm a little too attached to you guys.
    Are you always suppose to be able to pop your ears? I just popped mine and now it feels open and won't pop,but feels so much better.
    Maybe your Eustachian tube has opened up?
    I haven't been able to pop one of my ears for a year or so now. It's so irritating. The left one pops fine. And you're right, it feels great when it does.
    As soon as I say I'm taking time off here, boooom, I get a spike. I think maybe I'm a little too attached to you guys.
    Every morning when I drag myself out of bed I tell myself I'll go to bed early. Well it's past midnight and here I am.
    I say the same thing. I can't sleep unless I go to bed completely destroyed at 7 AM. Don't know what I will do when I finish school and have to get up early.
    @martinberryhorse You'll do what I do and sleep 3 or 4 hours a night and drink loads of coffee while at work.
    Anyone here still record and mix music? Is there any possible way to record without using headphones? Using dynamic mics maybe?
    I definitely recommend a cardiod mic. I have an AT2020 which is pretty solid. I do get some bleed but its pretty easy to just filter out. but the "narrower" the mic the better.
    @Foamearplugssuck I'll check it out, thanks! I've been worried about how I could hear the mix while recording without bleed.
    all of a sudden my ear is making that crunchy/creaky sound when i swallow and flex whatever muscle that is in there
    I'm about to just start digging through my left ear pulling everything out until this sound stops. aaaagh
    @Matchbox I hope so. It's been killing me all day. It changes up to almost a car alarm sound. And I've had so many variables lately
    I don't know what's making it worse. I had it before I started the prednisone. Was it there before the Venice Beach incident? I can't remember, maybe, but not as loud. Could it be the Nortriptyline I started the night before Venice Beach? Hell if I know....
    in the past few weeks my high pitched hissing has turned into what I can only describe as searching through radio stations
    back to super intrusive tinnitus. well it was nice to have a break for a few days i guess.
    I don't know what a spike is like. Mine is the same every single day and if it gets louder it just stays that way.. forever.
    The static in my right ear is starting to sound like it is transforming into a ring.
    @Charburchar If you move your eyes up and down or side to side rapidly, you can move them out of your view.
    @Charburchar Oh yea sometimes they are pain like that. I had one while watching my daughter's soccer game the other day that just wouldn't get out of the way.
    I've had to adapt to a lot of different medical conditions throughout my life, but tinnitus has been, by far, the hardest to ever cope with.
    this cycle of worsening continues. every 2 - 3 months like clockwork. I'd have moved on long ago if it would stay the same.
    Ringing louder today all off a sudden. I have never had any increase go back down so I'm going to assume this is permanent. Fml
    my apartment is too loud. i measured talking out in the hallway and the echo registered at almost 80db. hardwood flooring = bad
    Super light sleeper. But can't sleep in ear plugs bc silence is too loud. Forever exhausted.
    Like this post if you skateboard/longboard with tinnitus. I used to street skate but want to pick up longboarding.
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