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  • NHL players spend 82 games a season in loud, enclosed arenas; taking hits to the head, sticks to the face, constant whistles.. yet no cases?
    Roommates are the worst. Can't wait until Dec 1, so I can be on my own again. Wasting a year of my life being stressed by another.
    My depression has gotten me so behind at work that I'm forced to pull an all-nighter even though I just want to die.
    Tired of being alone. Sick of doing this on my own.
    I didnt mean for this to rhyme.. now it seems like I'm posting song lyrics or something........
    This ringing is still devastating, but it's starting to bother me a little less. Little by little. Progress.
    You will get to a place where it doesn't bother you. I sit in silent rooms with it ringing, and unless I suddenly think about it - then I don't even notice it. And when I do, it doesn't bother me. I just laugh at it. *ring ring ring* okay, I hear ya, you annoying little ears. :p

    For some reason, I can't comment back.
    @Steph1710 Do you worry about loud sounds? I'm so damned worried about making things worse I feel like maybe I have developed a phobia. I'd like to just go on with normal life, and not wear earplugs so much.
    Anyone gotten tattooed with tinnitus? Going to finish up my neck and torso. Wondering if plugs would be good or bad during my neck
    I've not had tattoos post-T, but I'm thinking for the neck, follow the dental protocol -- no plugs due to occlusion effect, and tat 5 seconds/stop for 10 (which they kind of do anyway).
    @tracyNYC I figured occlusion would probably would be a problem. So close to the ear though. I'll just use my db meter while I get some other work done and see how loud the gun really is.
    Do benzos lower your tinnitus? Doesn't do jack for mine. Just wondering if I'm alone in this regard.
    @kingsfan for me no. I take Klonopin and does do anything for my tinnitus. Except now being addicted to Klonopin.
    @KWC I'm sorry you have become dependent. I always strictly turned down benzos until my tinnitus got bad. I take a low dose of valium every once in while when the stress gets too much to handle.
    I'd like to be able to go on with life without having to wear plugs or avoid sounds. If I knew 100% this wouldn't get worse I could manage
    Left ear is going nuts. I bet it's that doxycycline. I gotta stop rubbing my eyes all time.......
    T is louder with plugs, but much easier to deal with. Hearing it over other sounds just makes it seem even worse.
    My ears have been doing that thing where you hearing goes out and you get a single tone going for a few seconds all day.
    I still get that occasionally even a year after my acoustic trauma. Always wondered what it was.
    That freaks me out every time it happens.
    My ears were doing it constantly the week before my T worsened. So it's freaking me out.
    Another day waking up with clogged ears. Getting really worried my tinnitus is going to get worse. Going to try flonase or something.
    LA Kings first game of the shortened season. Let's see if I don't blow my ears screaming at the tv.
    Could always use a ball gag... Might look a bit odd to friends and family haha.
    had to take a valium today. can't take the stress any longer. taking a toll on my work. probably getting written up today for being behind
    @GBB Yep, as soon as I start to feel better and dig into my work it all just gets worse and I fall down the rabbit hole again. Rinse and repeat. I try to be optimistic for others while I'm on here, but I'm becoming exhausted.
    @kingsfan That's understandable - I would be the same - but your health comes first. They can't rely on you if you're not well. Good luck with the new framework, hope it's finished quickly at least :)
    @Tanni Thank you. Sorry I never got an alert for your comment.
    I'm so sorry, try to relax and get hot packs if that helps.
    where do you put the hot packs? forehead or on the ears or something?
    I go to sleep with a long hot back across my forehead and then a smaller thera-pearls rectangular pack under my ear so I can still hear the water app playing. I heat the large pack up for 2 minutes and the smaller pack for 32 seconds. It's also a conditioned response. My body knows when I put the packs on, it's time to go to sleep. I got both on Amazon.
    If I have a headache, I heat up the longer one and put it behind my neck when I watch tv.
    Ears constantly have pressure lately. I think driving is causing it. Been wearing custom Westone earplugs with the solid filter.
    I have also been wearing Westone earplugs lately and my ears have been hurting for two days in a row. I was just thinking maybe I need to increase my turmeric supplements.
    Bill Bauer
    Consider trying 3M 1100 earplugs, or Peltor X5A muffs.
    Well I got the custom plugs so I wouldn't have to use foam plugs unless using power tools and such.
    omg I forgot I had tinnitus for like past 30 minutes! trust me, I hear mine over everything. oh damn I'm pumped. It's been so bad lately too
    It's funny how upset I was when my tinnitus became intrusive a few months ago. Now I'd give almost anything just to get back to that level.
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