Recent content by Lady Lion

  1. Lady Lion

    Stop Telling Me to Live with It or Habituate

    I totally agree with you. The doctors I've seen are so uncaring and unsympathetic. They seem to think that what I have is just a symptom not a disease. So they don't take the suffering that me and so many other tinnitus patients go through on a daily basis seriously. That really pisses me...
  2. Lady Lion

    Am I Being Punished?

    Thanks fishbone for your words of encouragement. I'm trying to stay strong while I'm going through this crap, but it's really a struggle.
  3. Lady Lion

    Am I Being Punished?

    Thanks to all of you for your replies, support and advice. Some of the doctors I saw said that my tinnitus would be temporary since I have normal hearing. I'm so upset because I still have it. It really seems like it won't go away, which is what I'm terrified of. I've seen therapists and...
  4. Lady Lion

    Am I Being Punished?

    I've had CT scans, which were normal. What's a Rinne-Weber test? I've never heard of it. I dont think I'm being punished for Lasik surgery, that was just really bad luck. I think I'm being punished for having OCD and depression. I'm just wondering why it seems so many people with tinnitus have...
  5. Lady Lion

    Am I Being Punished?

    I've had tinnitus for 3 1\2 months now. I've seen several ENT doctors; most of them say my hearing is normal. I had an MRI that was normal also. I wear a splint at night for TMJ, but I have no idea if that will make my tinnitus go away. Several years ago I had LASIK eye surgery to improve my...