Recent content by Lisa88

  1. Lisa88

    Back to Silence

    This is an important and most helpful success stories thread.
  2. Lisa88

    Tinnitus Without Hearing Loss. How Is This Possible?

    This is a great video. Will check the rest of info over. Thank you for posting. Perhaps most of us lose the very high frequencies over time. But some of us do not readily hear t, and some of us do. Not sure how this can be explained. I do remember years ago spending time in sound proof booths...
  3. Lisa88

    Tinnitus Without Hearing Loss. How Is This Possible?

    Since that normal audiogram ( and 4 years after onset), I had a another hearing test which showed an audiometric notch at 6KHz of mild loss. A year before when tested, it had all still been at normal level. Although this notch can often be diagnosed as a sign of noise induced loss, I have always...
  4. Lisa88

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    Just wondering about dosage of Prednisone following an acoustic trauma. Anybody been on a 60mg taper or other dosage? Do you remember how the taper was scheduled? i.e. 4 days at 60mg, 1 day 50mg, 1 day 40mg etc ... Any info at this point would be helpful. Thanks.
  5. Lisa88

    Doctors Use Deep-Brain Ultrasound Therapy to Treat Tremors

    Links between certain neurological conditions have been made, e.g. tremors, t, epilepsy re excitatory neurons etc. Think part of the trouble may be that we can't yet pinpoint the exact areas in the brain of t. But like the idea of this particular method for t, and do hold out hope as research...
  6. Lisa88

    Doctors Use Deep-Brain Ultrasound Therapy to Treat Tremors

    I think the story here and now is in the success of it actually stopping the tremors. This might hold more hope for treatment of t in the future. Esp. given the links between these neurological conditions.
  7. Lisa88

    Doctors Use Deep-Brain Ultrasound Therapy to Treat Tremors

    Successfully treats tremors with ultrasound waves, and directed towards other neurological disorders. Targets base of brain (non invasive) that causes faulty signals that trigger the tremors. Looking into further treatment for Parkinsons, MS and other neurological conditions. Very exciting...
  8. Lisa88

    The Prednisone Blues

    Yes, as I recall, I think that eventually did dissipate. I am now 3 years on from onset. I see you are fairly new to t. Whether you have spontaneous remission, or habituation (which most of us do have), the result will much be the same. T and its effects will not exist for you anymore. This was...
  9. Lisa88

    Chapter 8: Treatments

    After sleep, the most helpful thing you can do is to train your brain away from t. When we first get t, we are in a state of shock/fight or flight, change, constantly researching and monitoring t. T is shown not only as present in the auditory track, but also other areas of the brain that can...
  10. Lisa88

    Julian Cowan Hill's Success Stories

    Julian Cowan Hill's Success Stories on YouTube.
  11. Lisa88

    Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission / Patient #1 / By Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez

    @Markku Thanks for posting this. Will watch it later. Very important that good news cases get reported on this site. Lots of chronic success stories that never get reported here. Thanks, Markku. :)
  12. Lisa88

    Taurine and Tinnitus

    I began using Ativan a few months after t started. Took me a long time to taper off. Probably should have used the more natural route, as benzo withdrawal can cause t to worsen. But the trick is not to monitor it. Keep distracted. Go for walks, great. Look at posts in the Back to Silence thread...
  13. Lisa88

    Taurine and Tinnitus

    Sorry, just to add, try not to monitor your t. Keep yourself busy. Or say to yourself you just don't care, even if you don't mean it. Sounds strange, but training your brain away is possible, and it works. T fades into the background again.
  14. Lisa88

    Taurine and Tinnitus

    That's good that you now know after your first crisis, t went back to baseline. So there is every chance that will happen again. Some of the best stuff I have tried in the sleep for me has been melatonin (natural supplement). Hope this helps. But very good idea to talk to your doctor about it all.
  15. Lisa88

    Taurine and Tinnitus

    Hi Eduardo, It is difficult to advise you. We are all so different when it comes to meds/supplements - react in different ways. I do know when it comes to the brain, it is best not to mix too much stuff. Is there a doctor you can speak to about it? Yes, my t went back to baseline. Stress and...