Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission / Patient #1 / By Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez


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Mar 5, 2011
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Cause of Tinnitus
Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission — Patient #1

This series showcases people with tinnitus where it has disappeared completely (remission). They are part of a series by Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez, a part of a research project looking at tinnitus remission cases.

It is important to remember that these patients were fully assessed, with a treatment designed specifically around their diagnosed causes. It is also important to understand that tinnitus can have various causes and co-morbidities that can make it a challenge to treat, even for the best professionals with the highest level of knowledge. There is no tinnitus cure that can effectively be relied on.

These videos are here as a demonstration that tinnitus is not necessarily permanent, you may recover spontaneously or by adopting lifestyle or medical changes, however there are no guarantees. Always remember that the people you see on the internet (the writer of this included) represent the 1-2% where tinnitus is a real problem – you don't hear much from the 98%.

If you cannot see the above embedded Facebook video, watch it on YouTube
We want to note two things before anyone brings these up:

The upcoming videos include patients who experienced a more severe variety of tinnitus before it going into remission.

We realize that people are very interested in what medications and treatments the patients in this video series have taken and undergone, respectively, however, Brazilian doctors are forbidden to divulge the name(s) of the medications when they talk to the population because of the inherent risk of self-medication without knowing the counter-indications.

We hope you will find these videos of interest.
It brings up more questions than answers: What was the tinnitus root cause? Does she have any significant hearing loss? I am hoping the next videos will have some more technical depth.
It brings up more questions than answers: What was the tinnitus root cause? Does she have any significant hearing loss? I am hoping the next videos will have some more technical depth.
Dr. Ganz Sanchez certainly knows these patients' stories in more depth. These videos aimed at the public don't include all the details. I'm afraid not too much of these technical details are included in the next three upcoming ones.

However, this series is planned to be a longer one, and more and more interviews will be recorded.

We will let Dr. Ganz Sanchez know your wishes.

Here's two slides of general information by the way:


Thanks for posting this. Will watch it later.
Very important that good news cases get reported on this site.
Lots of chronic success stories that never get reported here.
Thanks, Markku. :)
Dr. Ganz Sanchez certainly knows these patients' stories in more depth. These videos aimed at the public don't include all the details. I'm afraid not too much of these technical details are included in the next three upcoming ones.

However, this series is planned to be a longer one, and more and more interviews will be recorded.

We will let Dr. Ganz Sanchez know your wishes.

Here's two slides of general information by the way:

Thanks for the video!

I wonder what the 'medication' was? I'd guess something that affected her blood flow?

Same thoughts here, I can understand that the women in the video doesn't want to reveal her identity (name, living place) and the cause of her tinnitus.
But she's explicitly talking about a medication and I don't see any reasons not to reveal the medication she took.
To reveal the medication doesn't violate any duties of confidentiality or privacy rights from my point of view.
@Steve, do you have more information on this?
I don't have any more info sorry.

They are the beginning of a research project for one of Tanit's students to progress. So far they are her patients but they intend to expand it to feature many others too. As the project progresses I hope that we'll get some more information.

To reveal the medication doesn't violate any duties of confidentiality or privacy rights from my point of view.
I do understand why she can't reveal it. The patients are all evaluated and prescribed based on the particular sub-type or cause of their tinnitus and the problems they have. Medication X is not the answer for them, rather than medication X is the best thing to treat this particular patient with.

If medication X is revealed then how many people will rush to an online pharmacy and buy it regardless of potential incompatibility with other medications or that it may actually not be treating anything?

So basically, we're not going to gain any insight, on what medications and treatment proceedures, are being used from these videos.

I assume contacting Dr. Ganz Sanchez and trying to become a potential patient, is the only way to uncover ones eligibility & treatment options?

Of course, this would include flying to Brazil and living there, for an extended period of time to be treated.
I don't really care about whether they reveal mdication or not, but if they specified pulsatile vs regular T.

Is it clear that onset wasn't triggered by anything? Idiopathic T in this case?
Maybe above this video we could have a banner that says that the potential answer is not revealed? I had a hard night and watched this for some hope and ... while it's nice to know that someone's approach worked for someone, um, I feel ... somewhat just as frustrated as when I search the internet? (I know, a rare negative post from me - it's just that my cat woke me up after just a few hours of sleep and so now the ringing is going to be that much harder to cope with all day due to the lack of sleep and I saw this video for a little hope and ... ????????).

Is this doctor going to share her methods with doctors we can contact in our own countries? Because, then, okay. Otherwise, this feels like a carrot hanging on a stick that I can't get to? :(

So basically, we're not going to gain any insight, on what medications and treatment proceedures, are being used, from these videos.

I assume contacting Dr. Ganz Sanchez and trying to become a potential patient, is is only way to uncover ones eligibility & treatment options?

Of course, this would include flying to Brazil and living there, for an extended period of time, to be treated.
Bear in mind that these are successful patients, there will also be those who did not have success.

Maybe above this video we could have a banner that says that the potential answer is not revealed? I had a hard night and watched this for some hope and ... while it's nice to know that someone's approach worked for someone, um, I feel ... somewhat just as frustrated as when I search the internet? (I know, a rare negative post from me - it's just that my cat woke me up after just a few hours of sleep and so now the ringing is going to be that much harder to cope with all day due to the lack of sleep and I saw this video for a little hope and ... ????????).

Is this doctor going to share her methods with doctors we can contact in our own countries? Because, then, okay. Otherwise, this feels like a carrot hanging on a stick that I can't get to? :(
In hindsight we should have floated these videos with a few people for opinion first, totally understand that it seems amazing, to then have nothing at the end.

One thing I can guarantee is that every ENT out there has similar stories. This is not unique. If the project is able to gather these stories together and find common elements then that is something to get excited for.

We'll do something here to make sure the videos don't offer that carrot.

I'll also ask some of the questions here to Tanit Ganz Sanchez and post replies as I get them. I do agree that if she were to share with other doctors how she approaches the treatment that could be beneficial and it would not have the ethical problems of simply posting the specific meds.
She's very well known in Brazil. As with very well known doctor, I heard from people who love her and told me they own her their lives, and people who say she didn't help. Every doctor who knows anything about Tinnitus knows her in here.
Boa tarde.

A Dra. Tanit atende na cidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil, ate onde eu sei, Dra. Tanit e uma medica conceituada e que a consulta e muito cara, porem não vi muitos relatos de que tenha obtido sucesso no tratamento. Estou cogitando viajar para Ibiza realizar o tratamento a laser LLLT (nesse tratamento existe um fundamento e ja pude acompanhar vários casos de melhoria e isso me inspira). No video em que a paciente relata que curou-se do zumbido, não se comenta o que causou o zumbido, não se fala na questão dos exames da paciente, não se fala qual o tipo de tratamento utilizado. Na minha humilde opniao, vários aspectos não foram esclarecidos. Eu moro no Brasil, seria bem mais comodo e gastaria bem menos (seria um gasto imensamente menor) fazer um tratamento em Sao Paulo com a Dra. Tanit, estou a estudar todo dia sobre o assunto e sobre profissionais que tratam o sintoma da perda de audição e consequentemente o sintoma do tinnitus, porem não cheguei a cogitar, ainda, a hipotese da Dra. Tannit que seria bem mais comodo e imensamente mais barato do que viajar pra ibiza gastando em euro (1 euro = 4 reais).
Good afternoon.

Dr. Tanit meets in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as far as I know, Dr. Tanit and a renowned medical and consultation and very expensive, however I have not seen many reports that have been successful in treatment. I'm considering traveling to Ibiza perform the laser treatment LLLT (this treatment there is a foundation and already could follow several cases of improvement and that inspires me). In the video where the patient reports that cured of tinnitus, not said what caused tinnitus, do not talk on the issue of examination of the patient do not speak the type of treatment used. In my humble opnion, several aspects have not been clarified. I live in Brazil, would be more comodo and spend far less (would be an immensely lower expense) to a treatment in Sao Paulo with Dr. Tanit, I'm studying all day about it and about professionals who treat the loss of symptom hearing and consequently the tinnitus symptom, however did not get to think also the hypothesis of Dr.. Tannit that would be more comodo and immensely cheaper than traveling to ibiza spending in euro (1 euro = 4 reais).

Sorry for any errors in writing, not quite mastered the English.
Grateful for the attention , be with God
Okay, so....

We've added this to the video text on Facebook and we'll put it into all future videos as a slide. How does this sound?

IMPORTANT! There is no magic tinnitus cure. Every case is different.

What works for one, won't for another. All patients had their own treatment plan, where the underlying causes were treated, resulting in tinnitus remission.

Due to Brazilian medical ethics guidelines, Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez won't be able to divulge the names of any medication or treatment used.
Good afternoon people,

Before the video posted, I visited the, the site and very structured and organized and seeks to act in various forms of treatment. In fact I found many important points: 1) makes audiometry Frequency High (9 to 16kHz); 2) otoacoustic emissions (up to 12kHz); 3) Acuphenometry (search frequency and intensity of tinnitus);
That is, I think, and the only place in Brazil that performs these tests at high frequencies. I am in contact with a participant that forum who lives in Portugal and he taught me to exhaust all available treatments in Brazil, for only in the latter case seek treatment outside the country (LLLT).
So that will already contact the institute ganz sanchez and I am measuring perform the treatment in São Paulo, which result in my case I consider it a serious case will be able to serve as inspiration for other cases. So, since we became interested by Dr. Tanit Ganz will organize myself to go to the query and provide treatment in his clinic, the query would be something near the $ 700. Next week will see me with an otolaryngologist here in my town and regarded as the best of the region, the query value would be somewhere around $ 400. In the next post I will relate my case, post the tests and give further clarification.

Sorry for any errors in writing, not quite mastered the English.
Grateful for the attention , be with God
Thank you for your explanation
But.. the video has no meaning and has less credibility without mentioning treatments and procedures followed . I Wonder if it is a marketing strategy from the doctor So everyone will try to contact him for cure.

Thank you anyway for the video
Thank you for your explanation
But.. the video has no meaning and has less credibility without mentioning treatments and procedures followed . I Wonder if it is a marketing strategy from the doctor So everyone will try to contact him for cure.

Thank you anyway for the video
I have asked for more info, so we should hopefully be able to expand on this for the next video. I do agree that it needs the extra things.
If medication X is revealed then how many people will rush to an online pharmacy and buy it regardless of potential incompatibility with other medications or that it may actually not be treating anything?
Who knows may be the medication is a plant that he found in amazone forest and if he didn't reveal it because he didn't want see the amazone deforested by tinnitus suffers:LOL::LOL::LOL::p
When is next video coming Steve? :)
We have three ready for publishing, well, we need to add a little more information to the beginning of the next ones in an effort to try and minimize the disappointment this first one caused to some people.

This is an on-going project and more will be published after those.

We will be publishing the next one after we've chatted with Dr. Ganz Sanchez - so you'll probably get to see it next week.
We have three ready for publishing, well, we need to add a little more information to the beginning of the next ones in an effort to try and minimize the disappointment this first one caused to some people.

This is an on-going project and more will be published after those.

We will be publishing the next one after we've chatted with Dr. Ganz Sanchez - so you'll probably get to see it next week.

I can understand the disappointment!
but i believe this videos are only for documentation purpose right?
thats how i see it, i didnt felt disappointed, i think its very uplifting.
keep up the good work guys!
The patient in this video obviously has tiny tinnitus. She only perceived it in total silence and she thinks that tinnitus is not a debilitating condition like other physical diseases. Worse, Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez totally agrees. Tinnitus is just annoying, but no big deal.

Yeah, right!!

To be honest, I find this video rather sad because it generalizes tinnitus.
Also, we do not know if she still is on the regimen or not.
Good evening everyone,

How did interest in the treatment carried out by Dr. Tanit, since I am looking at the possibility of holding a consultation in his clinic in São Paulo. From what I studied, Dra. Tanit does have a clinic with developed tests and treatments structure. Consultation is very expensive and therefore justifies the structure of your clinic.

Peco, please, a little attention to my case: My name is Paulo Neto, I live in Brazil, Ceara state, I'm police officer. In 04/2016 during the service, another officer accidentally fired a shotgun 12 gauge, the shot passed very close to my head (within a closed room of the police station). I was deafened, sought immediate medical care, went to several otolaryngologists and did several tests (pure tone audiometry, vocal, impedance audiometry, otoacoustic emissions - are attached) - had adutiva loss in OE 50db and OD loss of 60dB at frequencies 4MHz 6MHz and 8MHz (acute frequencies) - I was with a feeling of stuffy and tinnitus in both ears.

He found out acoustic trauma, with lesion in the inner ear hair cells in the cochlea - those cells that are at the beginning of the cochlea, or otolaryngologists say and irreversible damage. Already moved away from work since the accident I devote myself to study about it and seek treatment. It is noteworthy that already found several warriors who seek not only treatment for your case, but also seek to help others. They inspired me and cause have strength every day to seek treatment for my case and thus help others.

Sorry for any errors in writing, not quite mastered the English.
Grateful for the attention , be with God


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The patient in this video obviously has tiny tinnitus. She only perceived it in total silence and she thinks that tinnitus is not a debilitating condition like other physical diseases. Worse, Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez totally agrees. Tinnitus is just annoying, but no big deal.

Yeah, right!!

To be honest, I find this video rather sad because it generalizes tinnitus.
Also, we do not know if she still is on the regimen or not.
Actually the next video is from a man who describes his tinnitus as a siren going off in his head, rating it 11 out of 10. All tinnitus is different, to say that it is the same for all and try to homogenise is foolish - we wouldn't feature anything that did so.
Actually the next video is from a man who describes his tinnitus as a siren going off in his head, rating it 11 out of 10. All tinnitus is different, to say that it is the same for all and try to homogenise is foolish - we wouldn't feature anything that did so.

Those videos got exactly the same reaction when someone posted them on a Facebook group for Tinnitus patients in Portuguese ;).

As We all know too well, this is a freakishly hard condition to deal with. I have no respect for miracle sellers or ENT's who don't bother and give us the famous "live with it" line. I got a lot of respect for those who face the challenge, do research, publish results, go to meetings, etc. I can only imagine it can be a very challenging and frustrating line of work. If there was an easy answer we wouldn't be here in the first place. I don't know Dr. Sanchez personally but heard good things about her from two of her colleagues (My ENT works closely with her, when I mentioned going to São Paulo to see her she answered "I'll save you the trip since I'm meeting her tomorrow"), I think Tinnitus Hub is on to something in developing relationships like this and spreading material from well regarded sources.


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