Recent content by louis86

  1. louis86

    Young Mother with Tinnitus

    hello, your story seems familiar to mine. Lack of sleep due to tinnitus, panic because of tinnitus and then more lack of sleep because of panic. Ive been taking this stuff called Natural calm, magnesium powder, and it does seem to help me sleep. The tinnitus will improve, some days are worse...
  2. louis86

    Petrified, Anxious and Despondent...

    It seems like you have a real handle on what caused your tinnitus. I think the stress of it can amplify it. Keep your ears protected and I think it will get a little better. My tinnitus has its ups and downs but I too was at that point where I thought I was living a horror movie. Keep your head...
  3. louis86

    CEO Here to Battle with Tinnitus

    Try the curcumin powder. My tinnitus has cut down 20 percent.. That's enough to get me to take it the curcumin every day. Avoid all loud noises.
  4. louis86

    New at This Tinnitus Thing. Just Went to My Doctor...

    Welcome to the group. My tinnitus started around 3 weeks ago and I thought I was going to lose my mind. I immediately went to the ER and was referred to an ENT. I too was horrified to find out that I didn't have anything in my ears and the only thing that helped was making a post on this board...
  5. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    THanks for all the help and immediate responses. I've stuck with the earplugs in loud areas and taken them out in quieter areas. I seem to forget my tinnitus when I exercise and it has decreased about 15 percent. I will keep people updated.
  6. louis86

    Slowly Going Insane

    I'm new here and new to tinnitus. I've had it for about a week and it is pretty scary. I bring ear plugs for places that get loud and put on a fan when i'm just sitting in a room. I'm not sure how I am going to deal with this but I know staying proactive about it and not giving up is the only...
  7. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    great..all this advice put together is starting to help... its definitely been a week and I went to the ER it was so bad, i wish he would have just given me steroids..the doctor thought it was my sinuses.. all the advice has been really helpful and reassuring in a strange way. I had no idea that...
  8. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    oh yeah..i can't even listen to music on quiet through speakers..i can't talk on the, i will probably never use ear buds ever again.. I think i will check in with the doc but some people are saying that ENT's can cause more problems... but thanks. I'm taking all of the advice and will...
  9. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    the man above you says not go to ENT> haha i'm just trying to figure out the best option but the opposite advice is a little nerve wracking. I appreciate the help either way.
  10. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    thank you. Sorry, don't mean to sound dumb but what is a ENT. and your advice directly contradicts the advice of the friendly person below... You think its just best to leave sound trauma alone?
  11. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    Hmm, anymore ideas about the earplugs would be helpful..thanks for the advice so far.
  12. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    Finding this forum was a breath of fresh air. I finally didn't feel so isolated. I really like concrete facts and was wondering if anyone here wears ear plugs all day, sometimes, or never.. thanks for saying hi.
  13. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    OK, I appreciate this. I've read conflicting things online... Use earplugs, don't use earplugs... I just don't want to make the problem worse... It's as if to say, should I let the noise blend in with other noises or put those earplugs in?
  14. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    Thanks, I went to the emergency room and was checked for wax. i will avoid the earplugs unless it is a loud situation. I'm pretty distraught about this but know I have to remain strong. thanks for responding, I appreciate it.
  15. louis86

    Hello, Immediate Advice Needed — Tinnitus Started After Listening to My iPhone Headphones

    Hi guys, I'm new to this nightmare of tinnitus. About a week ago I was listening to my iPhone headphones all day and when I had stopped listening I noticed a horrible ringing in one of my ears and decided that I would just sleep it off. Well, it never went away and here I am a week into the...