Recent content by lucluc

  1. lucluc

    The Difference Is Night and Day

    Actually I have been severely worried, but I'm sensible enough to realise that seen as I am young and have no hearing loss, the cause of my T is unlikely to be hearing damage and therefore being in reasonably loud environments with 30db hearing protection isn't likely to be the end of the world...
  2. lucluc

    Headphones — I Can't Give Them Up Altogether

    I stopped using my earphones altogether and invested in wireless headphones. I only use them for an hour twice a week at the gym and keep the volume less than half way along with taking breaks every 15 mins or so. At first I thought I was noticing a spike after I used them but quickly realised I...
  3. lucluc

    The Difference Is Night and Day

    So I haven't posted or visited this forum for several months as part of an attempt to simply 'not think' about tinnitus. Whilst I can say I have thought about tinnitus at least momentarily every day, and i'm not here to post a miraculous recovery story whereby one day I woke up and heard...
  4. lucluc

    Tinnitus That's Got Worse

    For those of you whose tinnitus has worsened since its onset, what do you think caused it to worsen?
  5. lucluc


    That's certainly true, my dad still has hope that his will go even after three years! I suppose anything is possible.
  6. lucluc


    Yeah hopefully it is a good sign, I think final year of uni is probably the worst time to develop T haha, but if we can get through this then surely it can only get better! Hope yours gets better too :huganimation:
  7. lucluc


    So would you say most people that have had T for less than 6 months will have it for the rest of their lives?
  8. lucluc


    I know! I think it's more promising that you've had other symptoms, as if it was a fluid imbalance you'd expect to have other symptoms as well as T. I honestly can't think of why having my ear pressed to a pillow quietens T, Maybe its more the fact that my head is tilted to the side? God...
  9. lucluc


    Well they say up to 6 months it has a good chance of going so i'm hoping mine is just getting worse before it gets better! I have had absolutely no other symptoms other than occasional ear popping and this strange 'fluttering' sensation on my ear drum. I'm hoping it's all down to pressure/fluid...
  10. lucluc


    Well my T has got progressively worse over the two months I've had it, it's gotten worse even after I stopped using the spray. That would suggest to me that the spray didn't really play a role, I think it was more my stress levels and some other factors (god knows what!) that caused it to...
  11. lucluc


    My doctor actually prescribed me the exact same thing for my tinnitus, I used it for a week and my T did get slightly worse, but I think that was more down to my stress levels than the spray itself. The reason I stopped is because I developed blue sclera (the whites of my eyes), but this is a...
  12. lucluc

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    All time favourite: Current favourite: Also Arctic Monkeys' entire discography..
  13. lucluc

    The Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underpinning Chronic Tinnitus

    I don't know if I'd go as far as to say that it has nothing to do with ear damage. A lot of people, like my dad, have T after experiencing some form of hearing loss. But I do agree that mental health appear to be huge triggers as well. It's probable that a lot more than 10% of the population...
  14. lucluc

    I Just Wanted to Say Thank You to the Medical Community for Working on Tinnitus

    That's a good point; from an outside perspective, tinnitus is a 'livable' condition. The stats say it only affects 10% of the population and only a minority of that percentage cannot habituate. What people don't understand is that just because you can 'live' with a condition, it doesn't mean...
  15. lucluc

    I Just Wanted to Say Thank You to the Medical Community for Working on Tinnitus

    You're totally right, but unfortunately there are many conditions that reap greater rewards for those in the medical field. Diseases that affect a larger amount of the population and that are, when it comes down to it easier to understand, are a safer investment. During my course, we've covered...