Recent content by Magpie

  1. Magpie

    Deganwy Man James Ivor Jones Jumped to His Death After Being Told There Was No Cure for His Tinnitus

    Fuzzy Freddy wrote: But as much as I hate reading these stories, they are invaluable towards raising awareness of this dreadful condition to GPs and other doctors and healthcare professionals, who currently are many who do not know how to talk to people like us and how to help us. I am satisfied...
  2. Magpie

    Deganwy Man James Ivor Jones Jumped to His Death After Being Told There Was No Cure for His Tinnitus

    Atlantis wrote: Nobody seems to have missed you! Go back to living in your little fantasy world. This is real life! We should all go out and scream how tinnitus kills people. Seems the only person living in a fantasy world is you. If that's your plan then good luck to you but if you think...
  3. Magpie

    Deganwy Man James Ivor Jones Jumped to His Death After Being Told There Was No Cure for His Tinnitus

    Threads like this are the reason I stopped coming here.
  4. Magpie

    I Guess I Have Tinnitus

    I consulted a doctor, he said I have developed Ménière's disease and Labyrinthitis due the stress. I have Meniere's and to my knowledge you don't get it from stress. Meniere's is caused by an excess of fluid(endolymph) in the inner ear. It is also known as endolympatic hydrops. The exact cause...
  5. Magpie

    Who Can't Habituate or Can't Be Helped By TRT?

    tinnitussufferer wrote: I read that most of us naturally habituate anyway. That is the goal of TRT and most of us do it automatically. Taking into account a course of TRT can last up to 18 months it's quite possible that habituation would have occurred regardless. If I'm totally honest about...
  6. Magpie

    Who Can't Habituate or Can't Be Helped By TRT?

    Matt wrote: 1. Aren't bothered by their tinnitus or consider their severity a 1-3 on a scale of 1-10. Because I would guess the only way to help people who are generally not bothered by tinnitus is to make it go away completely, and that's not possible with TRT. If U R not bothered by it you...
  7. Magpie


    LadyDi wrote: Anyway, I was offered two options beyond trying to do it myself with an MP3 player: Neuromonics Oasis: $5,900 (ouch). Device is not returnable. Widex Zen (even though I don't have a hearing problem): $3,200. Most of my investment can be recovered within 60 days if I am not...
  8. Magpie

    Is Habituation Possible If You're Depressed?

    Lisa123 wrote: So, is it possible to habituate while you're depressed because of T. My reaction to T seems neutral (I think). I don't really panic that much anymore when I hear it. But I am generally depressed because of T. I feel sad and I feel as if life's pleasures have been taken away from...
  9. Magpie

    LOUD Tinnitus versus MILD Tinnitus

    Only a small percentage of people who experience tinnitus actually have loud tinnitus. The problem however is that suffering isn't necessarily related to loudness and somebody with very mild tinnitus can be as traumatised as somebody with very loud tinnitus. I also believe that somebody with...
  10. Magpie

    Tinnitus Reaction/Perception

    I keep reading in people's posts that tinnitus is just a sound and that it doesn't matter how loud it is, but that how well one copes or habituates to tinnitus is tied to one's reaction to or perception of that sound. My question is: Is anyone else's tinnitus also tied to their circulatory...
  11. Magpie

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    IMO it just validates that tinnitus is subjective and people's perception can change from day to day. My tinnitus is screaming right now. When I got up it was screaming, when I went for a bike ride it was OK because I was focused on the traffic, other riders, what was going on around me. When I...
  12. Magpie

    My Tinnitus Has Changed ...

    Christian 78 wrote: Oh yes I am trying atlas correction, anything that could help, Russian cosmonauts diagnostics medicine, and some other things, worst it tinnitus and hearing loss that started with kidney stone (i get them often in winter period). But this tinnitus is monster honestly, i...
  13. Magpie

    Health Anxiety

    Lisa wrote: Right now im so nervous with pins and needles sometimes in my legs and arms, face and lip numb sensation and crawling skin. People say its common with anxiety which i suffer with badly. I am always googling symptoms and freaking me out. Ms and brain tumour and all sorts come up :(...
  14. Magpie

    I Lost My Respect and Faith in Doctors or Modern Medicine
  15. Magpie

    Anger >;@

    So like I'm just wondering if anyone else here gets random bouts of anger in regards to their T? I know all of us aren't too happy about it but I'm talking serious rage!! I don't know whether it's the depression or what but I feel so damned angry & I even welcome it due to being an actual...