Recent content by Maithe Marshall

  1. Maithe Marshall

    3 and a Half Months of Tinnitus and Just Became Strong

    Well I hope this is all "ETD" my tinnitus was not noise indouced t because of using medication. Just hapoened over night along with the pressure...
  2. Maithe Marshall

    3 and a Half Months of Tinnitus and Just Became Strong

    So everyone here knows me and ..yes my tinnitus has not gone away.. It sucks but l have learned to just deal with it? I can't hear it with sounds it in open rooms. It's weird? My tinnitus is very sounds weird to I can't really describe it well. But one thing I can say it's the...
  3. Maithe Marshall

    ETD, hearing self swallow, tinnitus.

    All my ear issues began in February (17th) I remember the day still. My ear issues began after a flight. My first sign before I had t, was a thumping sensation in my ear it never followed a heart beat or anything it would be like thump thump thump......stop.... Thumpthumpthump. I went to the...
  4. Maithe Marshall

    Tinnitus has been changing a lot this week. Why?

    Really? I keep hearing people say that..but I don't even know. It was so good and not "really" loud unless I was in quiet places like cars, outside at night or in a quiet room. But this week for some reason it got a bit louder which is depressing me again...
  5. Maithe Marshall

    Tinnitus has been changing a lot this week. Why?

    My tinnitus has change to high to low low hissing. Sometimes a high c... Why is this?
  6. Maithe Marshall

    Fuck t. Fuck ear problems I'm gonna live my life the way I want to! I will get over this shit

    Fuck t. Fuck ear problems I'm gonna live my life the way I want to! I will get over this shit
  7. Maithe Marshall


    Thanks I had a dr appt for a check up I had a bad bad cold, and my dr looked in my ear and told me he saw where it was red has fluid in it and told me to take sudafed ( again -_-) and gave antibiotics ( I have been living off those lol) so great I have a new start of a infection but this is...
  8. Maithe Marshall


    There is actual treatment? I got this at first when they told me I had a ear infection. Hmm thank you!
  9. Maithe Marshall


    Yeah the thumping comes and goes I feel it and can im hear it it sounds like a thump kind of I feel it! I also have a whooshing sound when I open my mouth that came back! It was there 4 weeks ago and went away...came back last night... Ugh...I'm not even sure what to think
  10. Maithe Marshall


  11. Maithe Marshall


    This morning I woke up to a really really odd thing. I put my finger in my left ear and after that I heard a weird sound and felt it in my ear I could literally feel it.. It went away after a few seconds. Now whenever the dogs bark ( they are Really LOUD) my ears are sensitive to it and I...
  12. Maithe Marshall

    Went to john hopkins. Got some answers and bam now I caught a cold.

    So no real cure? Just something like TRT basically?
  13. Maithe Marshall

    Went to john hopkins. Got some answers and bam now I caught a cold.

    Cure you really think they will find a cure for us? I really do...I really do..
  14. Maithe Marshall

    Went to john hopkins. Got some answers and bam now I caught a cold.

    I its mostly bad in q its mostly bad in quiet places, only a few times could I really notice it outside. The dr doesn't want to diagnose me with t because he seriously thinks it will go away ( not sure) trying to believe in him a little since he's from john hopkins #1 hospital in all of u.s...
  15. Maithe Marshall

    Went to john hopkins. Got some answers and bam now I caught a cold.

    Thank you! I will try those crystal things.