Recent content by Mario martz

  1. M

    Pycnogenol May Relieve Some Types of Tinnitus

    Personally I think Pycnogenol works best if your tinnitus is Meniere's related, and for me, it took away my dizziness and my tinnitus is super low while I'm taking it.
  2. M

    Pycnogenol May Relieve Some Types of Tinnitus

    For me Pycnogenol worked wonders! Just be careful if you have an autoimmune disease...
  3. M

    wow! its been more than a year that i havent visit this forum, and its been more than 4 years...

    wow! its been more than a year that i havent visit this forum, and its been more than 4 years since i dont know what silence is, LOL
  4. M

    Shimmering/Flickering Vision?

    Hey Seev, that sounds like visual snow to me. I have had it since 2016, got it a few months after I develop my tinnitus.
  5. M

    Ask Questions from Marcelo Rivolta, PhD, on Hearing Regeneration and Related Topics

    Wow, very exciting!!! I have exchanged emails with Marcelo in the past. Such a great dude. Really looking forward to this podcast. Good luck @Steve!
  6. M

    When to Run for the Hills in Noisy Environments?

    This is super important. For a year I believed the dryer/dropping things/or babies crying would make my tinnitus worse. This led to a very miserable life, I was under a lot of anxiety all the time. And in the end sounds didn't make my tinnitus worse. I'm glad my therapist pushed me.
  7. M

    When to Run for the Hills in Noisy Environments?

    I guess that sometimes the anxiety and paranoia found in some forums can make things so much worse... I've been having tinnitus since 2016. For the first year I was trying to avoid loud sounds at all costs which led to a very complicated life... In 2017 I decided not to avoid certain sounds...
  8. M

    Happy new year! hope my t friends are doing better, my best wishes this year

    Happy new year! hope my t friends are doing better, my best wishes this year
  9. M

    Mike's Meniere Story

    Thanks for sharing Mike's story.
  10. M

    Today I Was Diagnosed with Meniere's

    Hey David! Just checking out on you. How are you doing these days? I have the same problem like you (hearing loss in the lower frequencies, tinnitus) mild dizziness but no vertigo thank god. Get in touch if you wanna talk.
  11. M

    Photography Gallery

    wow Vivian Maier's work is impressive, and her story too. thanks for posting!
  12. M

    Vision Problems / Floaters?

    Hey Layla, I'm still dealing with floters, flashes at night, black spots, etc... It sometimes goes away (everything but the visual snow and floaters) but eventually comes back. you know i have read a lot on this subject. but i dont have like a real answer. there is a connection between...
  13. M

    Is Your Tinnitus Pitch Equal to the Hearing Frequency You Lost?

    Ohh well at least that's a good sign, that it hasn't changed a lot, right?
  14. M

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    Omg Danny Boy! I just found out about this big big loss. If anyone needs to talk please don't think twice and message me, I don't give the best advice but I'm a good listener (reader). I have a profound love for this forum. Here I have found friends & support and I'm going to support back my...
  15. M

    Do I Have Lyme's Disease?

    Hey Deb! to be honest i never found the right place to get tested here in mexico All doctors believe i have fibromyalgia. so... so far thats my diagnostic