Recent content by MarkX

  1. M

    That is great man. Really 95% gone

    That is great man. Really 95% gone
  2. M

    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    I could only wish. Was your tinnitus somatic at all? Could you make it louder by moving your neck or jaw?
  3. M

    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    Wow amazing. Congrats. Can you hear no tinnitus at all or very very low?
  4. M

    Tinnitus Completely Gone

    Thank you so much. I’m so glad yours went away. So you hear absolutely no tinnitus or a very little bit?
  5. M

    Tinnitus Completely Gone

    Oh wow. So I have hope!! I’m at 1 year. Was yours somatic meaning could you change the sound by moving your neck or jaw? So you really feel the getting healthy helped it go away. That’s my last step.
  6. M

    Tinnitus Completely Gone

    Hey. So how long was it between when your tinnitus started and it going away?
  7. M

    Bad Tinnitus After Concussion — I Have One Silent Day Every Two Days

    When you say off do you mean complete silence?
  8. M

    Success: Noise-Induced Tinnitus and Hyperacusis 95% Gone

    What they are saying is 95% of the volume is gone. Tinnitus is all about volume. So yes if the volume is 95% lower then it’s the same as saying it’s 95% gone. If you have a bag of chips and eat 95% of that bag. Then it’s 95% gone even though you still have a bag of chips. Lol
  9. M

    Noise Induced Tinnitus Gone After 1 Month — Almost Ruined My Life

    Wow man. Congrats. You are so lucky. Protect your ears! Mine started almost 8 months ago and hasn’t stopped. Question, was yours somatic at all meaning could you increase the sound by moving your neck all the way left or right or opening your jaw wide? I don’t believe mine was noise induced...
  10. M

    Success — One Year After Getting Tinnitus — Habituated

    Hey. So did your tinnitus decrease at all or is it still at the same level? Also is your tinnitus somatic?
  11. M

    My Tinnitus Is Now Very Mild and Sometimes Gone

    I would seriously be so happy if mine came down to a .5 or 1 level. It's at an 8 for the last 8 months. I try so hard to ignore it and keeping going but it's so loud that it's just faking it. I hope I get there too.
  12. M

    My Tinnitus Is Now Very Mild and Sometimes Gone

    Did you do anything for the Bruxism that helped with tinnitus? Did you wear the mouth guard? I really hope mine reduces to that level as well. I'm 6 months in. When did yours started to lower to that level? You said you are 8 months in.
  13. M

    My Tinnitus Is Now Very Mild and Sometimes Gone

    Was your tinnitus somatic? Could you increase the sound by moving your neck all the way to the left or right or opening you jaw? What would you say your tinnitus is on a scale of 1 to 10 now? I'm so glad it's very mild now for you. I hope to get there. I'm 6 months in now. It hasn't seemed to...
  14. M

    Tinnitus with a Movement-Based Bonus Sound

    Mine is the same. Only 6 months in. It’s very somatic. Any head movement causes extra sounds. Even walking. It’s crazy.
  15. M

    My Success Story (So Far) — Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, TTTS

    @COYS Have you had any more lowering of your tinnitus? What would you say it is on a scale of 1 to 10?