Recent content by matbrz

  1. matbrz

    My Psilocybin Journey — I Travelled to Amsterdam

    Tinnitus, from CNS, not acoustic trauma, is strictly connected to serotonin imbalance in some place I believe. Mine was induced by SSRI's. Psilocybin works on serotonin on different level, it connects to the receptors on neurons. My younger brother tried shrooms last Friday, he had full trip 3.5...
  2. matbrz

    Lidocaine/Josef Rauschecker

    Six infusions. I do not notice any effects on my tinnitus. However it works nicely for headaches. I think it could be an option for new onset tinnitus after noise exposure and damage before the tinnitus is centralized. Another failed treatment for me. I have had steroid infusions, vinpocetine...
  3. matbrz

    Lidocaine/Josef Rauschecker

    Second infusion done. During it I had a feeling like the tinnitus increased temporary, but maybe it's just because I'm looking for effects so I put masking sound today and had a nice nap during the procedure. I'm afraid that it won't work for me because my tinnitus is CNS related and lidocaine...
  4. matbrz

    Lidocaine/Josef Rauschecker

    Here we go. 1. For the first few minutes tinnitus seemed worse - probably due to stress, now it's back to baseline. I'm half way into the treatment now. I feel a little dizzy but nothing unbearable. No side effects, but no effects on tinnitus either. :( Doctor says to wait at least 3 days to...
  5. matbrz

    Lidocaine/Josef Rauschecker

    So I'm starting tomorrow. The senior MD told me to bring my ECG, if you have any cardiac diseases (arrhythmias) you won't be qualified. It will be 30 ml 1% lidocaine solution in 250 ml 0,9 NaCl given in about 1 hour. 7 days in a row, she claimed that she had many patients with even 6 months...
  6. matbrz

    Lidocaine/Josef Rauschecker

    Did you have any long lasting effect or just temporary relief?
  7. matbrz

    Lidocaine/Josef Rauschecker

    Hi, I just wanted to say that I work as a practitioner in a hospital in Poland. Today I had a patient that has tinnitus and doctors in my unit gives a series of 7 infusions (once a day) of 20ml 2% lidocaine with 250ml 0,9% NaCl. The patient I talked to claimed that it reduces her tinnitus...
  8. matbrz

    Parasym — tVNS Device

    I rented it for a 3-month treatment. I'm ending my second month with no effect so far.
  9. matbrz

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I'm from Poland too, a few more of us and we can rent our own plane :)
  10. matbrz

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    For how long did you take Prozac? I also got a spike from it this year :( Now 3 months later, and it didn't go back to baseline level.
  11. matbrz

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    @Allan1967 I was taking Mirtazapine for sleep issues, but the doc wanted to boost my energy during the day so he put me on Venlafaxine. I'm curious if it wasn't the combo of them. Both are metabolised by CYP3A4 in liver so maybe it made Venlafaxine concentration in blood bigger? But the time...
  12. matbrz

    Hello Everyone, Another Ringer Here (Tinnitus Started from Antidepressant Venlafaxine)

    @PrimateSummer thanks for your reply, it's so strange with tinnitus, and how it affects us differently. I tried fluoxetine and it caused an instant spike - luckily it decreased after few days. As my tinnitus started from similar drug - Effexor - I'm afraid I can't touch any of them, I noticed...
  13. matbrz

    Hello Everyone, Another Ringer Here (Tinnitus Started from Antidepressant Venlafaxine)

    Been thinking lately of trying low dose Amisulpride, I read that in low doses it works differently - it enhances dopamine, it can work for depression and there were studies in which it showed some improvement with tinnitus specially combined with Hydroxyzine. Any experiences/opinions?
  14. matbrz

    Hello Everyone, Another Ringer Here (Tinnitus Started from Antidepressant Venlafaxine)

    @another sean Thanks a lot for your answer, but it is devastating in some way, I still hope that someday I will wake up and depression will be gone. This drug should be banned or at least given only in hospitals as a last resort. This shit fries up brains. Did you try any drugs for depression...
  15. matbrz

    Hello Everyone, Another Ringer Here (Tinnitus Started from Antidepressant Venlafaxine)

    Hello everyone, I wanted to share my story with you, maybe some veterans from the forum have some good advice for me :) I believe my story is pretty unique. I was a teenager with perfect life until i got severe acne. After 2 years I decided it was time to start doing something with it. I went...