Recent content by Mattw89

  1. Mattw89

    Flight Attendants?

    Another night wondering why I have to put up with this sh*t and got to thinking, I was a flight attendant for 18 months in 2008-2009. During my time with easyJet I perforated an eardrum and have suffered with ear infections when a child, looking back now I must have had the sense of post 10...
  2. Mattw89

    Tinnitus is bullshit!

    Tinnitus is bullshit!
  3. Mattw89

    Pulsating Tinnitus Success Story

    Though I have tinnitus at the moment, I have remembered a time back in 2014 before I really knew I had tinnitus. I had a pulsating whooshing noise that felt like my heartbeat was on my ear, it was genuinely in rhythm with my heartbeat. I went to see an ENT Dr, must have been the 3rd one as...
  4. Mattw89

    Terrified of the Future...

    Hi Liana. T can be caused by many things, fluid and foreign bodies behind the ear drum and be one of them. Ensure that your ear drum is checked properly by the ENT specialist. I hope this is the case and can be rectified for you.
  5. Mattw89

    Three Years Tinnitus Free

    My diet has been poor and my immune system isn't the best... are you saying that sources of vitamins could be a cure? As for the thyriod, how do you sense if there is an issue? As I'm sure you know Dr's appt are hard to come by these days and I had one last week and wasnt helped at all. Matt
  6. Mattw89

    Hello, Here's My Story

    Hi Sam, thanks for the welcome. The best way I can describe it is my ear is vibrating, I can feel it slightly too. It differs as to how loud it is, sometimes it's barely noticeable, at other times it's unbearable. Is yours similar?
  7. Mattw89

    Hi to You All. My Story.

    Hey buddy. I want to point out the relationship part of your story. If you find someone who cares about you and likes you for you, it's worth it. I know it sound cliche but don't let tinnitus control your life any more than it already has. The cure may be found in our lifetime, there is minimal...
  8. Mattw89

    Hello, Here's My Story

    hello guys. I am a 27 year old male, I have been suffering with tinnitus for about 2 years now and its recently taken a turn for the worse. I wouldn't say that I am suicidal, however I won't say I haven't thought about it, I feel that my thoughts may turn to intent if this level of tinnitus...