Recent content by meeruf

  1. meeruf

    Sudden Hearing Loss

    Hi guys. Just an update on my first post here on Tinnitus Talk. Next month it's 5 years since I made this thread. Crazy. Time flies so fast. :eek: In August 2013 I got a hearing damage from diving down in a pool 5 meter down. I don't know why it happened. I guess it was just bad luck. Shit...
  2. meeruf

    Very hard to answer. Can be anything from 1 second to 2 days.

    Very hard to answer. Can be anything from 1 second to 2 days.
  3. meeruf

    Hey Tjeerd. I'm still doing fine. I have to admit that T have lowered in volum quite a lot since...

    Hey Tjeerd. I'm still doing fine. I have to admit that T have lowered in volum quite a lot since I made that post you read. I still have spikes tho that can be very loud but I don't really care about it.
  4. meeruf

    First Time Flying

    Flying is no issue for your ears. I fly 20+ every year many of these trips are Oslo - Bangkok 12 hours flights. The drop in pressure is miniscule. Just buy som gum that you can use for your sinuses on the way up.
  5. meeruf

    My Girlfriend Is Leaving Me

    I didn't do anything special I just got used to it. But one method that can help is to constantly remind yourself how you're feeling and reacting to T. Try to look at your feelings from 'the outside'. Don't feel your feelings. Observe them. Same with your thoughts. Don't think you are your...
  6. meeruf

    My Girlfriend Is Leaving Me

    I'm not going to suger-coat this. Your girlfriend is clearly a bitch not worth keeping as she dumps you when times get rough. She should stay with you and take care but instead she run away looking for greener pastures. This was a good shit test for her. She clearly only think about herself...
  7. meeruf

    What the Hell Is Wrong with My Stomach? (Have Been Travelling)

    Hey guys. I'm writing about my problem here as I start to give up finding solutions. I've been in Thailand and nearby countries since December last year. (Back in Norway 4 days ago). In February I took a short trip to Laos to visit Vang Vieng. After my week in Laos, I traveled back to...
  8. meeruf

    How to Free Yourself from the Tyranny of Tinnitus. My Journey!

    I made this post 3.5 year ago. Life is still good. My tinnitus have become slightly higher the last 6 months but I honestly don't care. Just came back from an incredibly trip in Laos. I also moved to Thailand, but that is a story for another time. Here are some pictures from Laos...
  9. meeruf

    Du kan legge meg til på Facebook. Heter Thomas Krussedull. Litt lettere å prate der. ^^

    Du kan legge meg til på Facebook. Heter Thomas Krussedull. Litt lettere å prate der. ^^
  10. meeruf

    I See No Hope After My Tinnitus Got Worse, 6 Months and I Cannot Go On.

    It gets better. I know you have heard it a million times before, but it is actually true. My tinnitus was superloud when it started. It took a good 1.5 year before it settled. It still spikes at times and sometimes it is just really loud. However, it has just been easier and easier to live...
  11. meeruf

    When Can I Accept That It Might Be Getting Better?

    @Marie79 Sounds more like you have an anxiety / hypochondriac problem. If you have to sit down and really consentrate to hear it. What is the problem? Just don't sit down and listen for it...
  12. meeruf

    Guys, It's VERY Possible That a Cure Is Right in Front of Us...

    Yes. Corporate business have done some really fucked up stuff here in the world. It's all about doing the most profit possible on the expense of other people. No respect for human lives. Some of those CEO's should be hanged because of all the suffering they have caused.
  13. meeruf

    Guys, It's VERY Possible That a Cure Is Right in Front of Us...

    Guys. What the heck are you eating over there in the US that is so bad? Are all of you in the drive-thru line at MC Donalds? Here in Norway we still eat oldfashioned food that we make from scratch. Potatoes, carrots, sauce, cod, herring, monkfish, trout, pork, cow, chicken etc. We also eat alot...
  14. meeruf

    Sobril for Thailand Trip

    Yeah, I know it's pretty hardcore. I had one session with them when I first got my ear trauma three years ago. Never used them again, but they really helped me take the edge off at the beginning. As I said, I have no intention in using them for fun. They are just a "just-in-case" weapon if...
  15. meeruf

    Sobril for Thailand Trip

    You probably can. But I rather get that stuff in Norway. That type of medicine is subsidized in Norway anyways. Probably cheaper here then in Thailand. :)