Recent content by mermaid

  1. mermaid

    What Has Tinnitus Taught You?

    Tinnitus has taught me that life is shit and the hell is here on the earth and it can be never-ending torment :( Hell exists and is in our heads :(
  2. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    Has someone of you healed this horrible condition? :(
  3. mermaid

    My Left Ear "Vibrates" for No Reason

    It's probably middle ear myoclonus. I have the same vibration feeling in my right ear.
  4. mermaid

    LLLT Treatment Journal (for TTTS?)

    Stapedius muscle myoclonus doesn't cause a fluttering of eardrum as far as I know. The term "middle ear myoclonus" contains both tensor tympani myoclonus (fluttering of the eardrum) and stapedius muscle myoclonus.
  5. mermaid

    LLLT Treatment Journal (for TTTS?)

    @felinefine - do you experience fluttering of your eardrum or middle ear myoclonus?
  6. mermaid

    Hair Cells vs. Middle Ear Muscles

    @Ricky81 - How do you know they are still present? I made a DPOAE test last year and I was told that the lines going down on the graph are the sight of the death (eventually irreversible damage) of the hair cells and not of their weakness.
  7. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    @Brianna - I didn't mean cochlear implants are perfect and flawless, I had simply on my mind that nowadays the medical world is able to do such advanced surgeries as implanting the cochlear implants etc., but it isn't able to solve the problems with seemingly "silly" thing as middle ear...
  8. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    @Chelles - yes, I know that we don't have the typical palatal myoclonus which produces a clicking sound while contracting rhythmically, but I'm wondering if the palatal myoclonus could be so subtle that no doctor can see the movement of palate but we sufferer can feel it in the area of our...
  9. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    @Chelles - I'm thinking about it so strong and intensive, because maybe what we both have isn't middle ear myoclonus but palatal myoclonus, which is so subtle that almost impossible to be seen by the doctors but it causes the twitching of our eardrums. I wish it would be one of the palatal...
  10. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    @PaulBe - hi, a big thanks for the answer! :thankyousign:Can I ask you one more question, cause you seem to be familiar with the anatomy of ear - well, as I've lately written in this thread since my myoclonus began I'm able to move my eardrum voluntary. I was convinced I can move my tensor...
  11. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    Yes, I'm afraid it wouldn't and that sucks! Life is a bitch!:mad: I'm so sad. I'm so tired. F...k it all!
  12. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    @PaulBe - I don't know if I've understood you in the right way - in order to paralyze the tensor tympani muscle it's enough to inject with botox only the roof of the mouth (palate) without cutting the eardrum but in case of the stapedius muscle must be the eardrum cut to access this muscle, right?
  13. mermaid

    Botox and Steroid Injections

    @Street Spirit - Ohhh I thought you did have botox. I've read some dentists make botox injections into the chewing muscles (musculus masseter) to weaken these muscles and this procedure should help for tmj and maybe for TTTS too...
  14. mermaid

    Botox and Steroid Injections

    @Chelles - I think your symptoms are caused by manual irritation of trigeminal nerve or/and facial nerve while touching/moving the face and eye area. These nerves innervate the tensor tympani and stapedius muscle in the ear. I have sometimes similar symptoms too, now not so often as in the past...
  15. mermaid

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    When I mentioned acoustic shock I meant that: TTTS as a result of an acoustic shock disorder...