Recent content by michela

  1. michela

    I'm Going to a 4 Week Tinnitus Treatment Camp Soon. Will Share My Experiences.

    i dont want to be negative, but although it is such a beautiful,peaceful place where you are i cant help myself-my first thought when i saw your pictures of that place was of that terrible serial killer in norway who killed all that teenagers just a few years ago. that island in norway-i saw it...
  2. michela

    Music Sounds So Crappy Now

    how is it possible that you still hear your T when you are listening to music? is your tinnitus that loud?scary.
  3. michela

    The Question of My Life: Could Tinnitus Destroy My Life?

    i agree with all of you and thank you for your answers,special thanks to billie! yes, i even talked to a doctor years ago about my generalized anxiety disorder, i know that is a problem in my life,not a big one, but i do always create"worst-case-scenarios".but wait: most of the time these fears...
  4. michela

    The Question of My Life: Could Tinnitus Destroy My Life?

    dear members, its now almost a year that ive got tinnitus. it happened four days after a disc in my cervical spine prolapsed. guess its the somatic type of tinnitus. its a high-pitched whistle in both ears, my ears are ok,this must be something neurological because of the spine problems. so...
  5. michela

    What Would You Give Up to Have Your Hearing Normalized?

    hey,hi epin,you are back? i had been reading your goodbye message months ago, :welcomesignanimation: back!
  6. michela

    What Do You THINK Is Causing Your Tinnitus?

    Neenie, how are you actually now that some time has passed? how is your mood?
  7. michela

    Sensitivity after Tinnitus?

    oh yes,me too,its hyperacusis,not much,but noticeable like for example when i wash the dishes.started with the tinnitus,would say same day even-6 months ago.when it started it was waaaaay worse,even normal tv was too loud.and remember: my tinnitus is NOT noise induced! and: tensor...
  8. michela

    Pretty sure I lost more hearing over the weekend

    sorry, i know you will hate me all for saying this, but i just dont like children and hate, no love-just feel nothing, if i feel anything i just dont feel calm when they are around,very much stress
  9. michela

    Going to a Funeral

    wow tenna, im sorry, but honestly ,that would give me nightmares...i mean the fact of touching someone dead,even if it would be a stranger, but someone, this must be the only harder thing than tinnitus i guess ;(
  10. michela

    Weird Tinnitus Observations — Changes in Environment/Sound

    to mark:i have the EXACT same situation here! exactly ! every single word! just wanted to let you know!!!!
  11. michela

    Can tinnitus remain in the brain even though its cause is resolved?

    hi there, here in germany ive been reading many times that if you have tinnitus for other reasons than noise damage -lets say for example somatic-and tinnitus does not go away within several months it will be "inside the brain", even if the actual cause that made it start in the first place-for...
  12. michela

    Exploding Head Syndrome — I'm Getting Scared Now!

    :nailbiting: you are right with this,but sorry, i really had to laugh about the name "exploding head syndrome",wow,a really scary name for this phenomenon. i guess sarahlouise is even more shocked now after hearing THIS name :nailbiting:
  13. michela

    Just When You Think Tinnitus Is Gone

    man, my biggest fear ever,losing my parents ;(. so sorry jewel,really.
  14. michela

    One Scary Second of Feeling Like "Deaf" When Tinnitus Tone Changes?

    so just to be sure : this FEELS like a "one-second hearing-loss" but it is NOT, right?