Recent content by Micky

  1. Micky

    Shingles Vaccine / Shot — Contains a Small Amount of Neomycin...

    Hi, I’m due for Shingles jab / shot next week, but I read that the vaccine contains Neomycin, albeit only a small amount or so they say... I'm really not sure whether to go ahead with it as Neomycin is listed as ototoxic... Any help or advice really appreciated... Thank you.
  2. Micky

    Your Thyroid Can Make Your Ears Ring!

    Ive. Had several visits to this guy .. He's a very nice fella and the treatment was very relaxing.. But sadly did nothing to alleviate my Tinnitus..
  3. Micky

    Your Thyroid Can Make Your Ears Ring!

    Oh yes my Tinnitus was definitely caused by misdiagnosed Hypothyroidism.. Went on for months untill i saw another Doctor who re checked my blood tests .. By then it was too late and my body was in melt down.. Very loud tinnitus started one morning when i woke up .. I take 225 mg of Levothyroxine..
  4. Micky

    Three, four, five in the morning

    SGal .. I wake every morning around 5 am and have to get up .. No way i can lie there listening to an F 18 flying through my head.. It's a way of life now for me.. I make a cuppa tea and put the world news on.. Klonopin is bad news stuff.. Bin there and done that...
  5. Micky

    ENT no help.

    Kitty.. IM so sorry to hear of your bad experience with this uncaring person .. I had the same as you... this ENT was fobbing me off in typically uncaring manner.. So i stood up and said to him .. ' Your wasting my Fuc#### time .. His mouth dropped open and i walked out .. Of course he reported...
  6. Micky

    Snuggling here

    Hey sorry your having a hard time right now.. The Lexapro should help very soon hopefully.. What's the name of the antibiotic you were taking.. antibiotics with a name ending in ( Mycin ) should be avoided.. i hear you have had the odd shower in Central Queensland.. I have a friend...
  7. Micky

    Our brain and tinnitus

    Emil wrote ( partly ) If this is right sleeping without masking would be a bad idea as our brain would get used to hearing the T all the time. I'm thinking that if i sleep without any masking sounds, my ear/brain would get some rest, as the ear would not get any stimulus? :) Emil i used a sound...
  8. Micky


    SP the offending post was removed only because you complained .. Its called embarrassment.. 4000 Bucks for a course of treatment that will NOT cure tinnitus.. next patient please..
  9. Micky


    So that's TRT. @ 4000 Bucks and Neuromonics @6000 Bucks ... What an insult to a desperate suffer esp as at the end of both courses the patient will Still have damn Tinnitus..
  10. Micky

    I'm Back, but Just for Today

    Neenie wrote... yep your right Neenie its rubbish.. That's exactly what i found and 2 other friends.. So take it back and demand a refund.. Its a hyped up MP3 player.. Along with their hyped up advirtising and testimonies.. Micky
  11. Micky

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Demi .. You have to be very careful with Anti Depressants as some of them can increase tinnitus symptoms for a few weeks.. This happened to me with this drug 2 people react the same and it may well be fine for you..but im just saying...
  12. Micky

    How Do You Handle the "Bad Days"?

    excellent post from Billie.. And worthy of another read .. However i really do think that some folk are stronger in character and are able to cope easier with what life throws at them.. Other folk have weaker personalitys and find it a lot harder to cope .. They get stressed easier and are...
  13. Micky

    The EarPopper Machine?

    Hey @just1morething ... That's a very interesting link, thanks... Sometimes tinnitus can become exacerbated by ETD and that particular device I'm pretty sure would be of value... We need something like that for tinnitus... So simple really...
  14. Micky

    How Do You Handle the "Bad Days"?

    city girl wrote.. It feels like when you forget about it, it rears it's ugly head and reminds you it's here. exactly how i see it ..sort of punishes us.. CG .. I would not recommend you take anti depresants.. Ive been there and done that..ohh no. Micky
  15. Micky

    Has Anyone Who's Had Cycling Tinnitus Gone More Than Two Days Quiet(er)?

    What is it with this 48 hour.. Nonsense.. What the hells going on inside our heads .. I think the brain actually begins to miss hearing the tinnitus signal and goes hunting for it ..then when it finds it... Turns up the gain .. Thanks a bunch brain ..