Recent content by Mirador

  1. Mirador

    Tinnitus, Benzodiazepines, and Coping After Noise Trauma: What Can I Do Now?

    Thanks, @Nocca. Before taking Clonazepam, my tinnitus was so mild that I would barely notice it for months at a time. I am hopeful that I will get back to that point sooner rather than later. Regarding your point about France, I am in Belgium, and I am quite shocked by how easily doctors...
  2. Mirador

    Tinnitus, Benzodiazepines, and Coping After Noise Trauma: What Can I Do Now?

    Hi @Nocca, I should start by saying that I am very anti-benzo, as I’ve been living with nearly two years of severe tinnitus caused by Clonazepam. Some days, my tinnitus is so loud that I can hear it even while standing next to a busy road. Because of this experience, my views are definitely...
  3. Mirador

    Debilitating Tinnitus from Benzo (Clonazepam) Taper

    I had very mild tinnitus in one ear before taking Clonazepam for an unrelated issue. I took 0.5 mg once a day for about four months, then came off it too quickly. That led to severe tinnitus in my right ear. My doctor suggested going back on Clonazepam and tapering off more slowly, but that...
  4. Mirador

    It won't be for a while yet! I'm down to just under 0.16 and I guess it will take me at least a...

    It won't be for a while yet! I'm down to just under 0.16 and I guess it will take me at least a year to get off from here - I'm going down v. slowly so I can maintain functionality and some quality of life in the meantime. Good luck with the tapering - I think if you take it slow and follow your...
  5. Mirador

    And I've resumed tapering, making tiny cuts every two or three days. So far this is working OK -...

    And I've resumed tapering, making tiny cuts every two or three days. So far this is working OK - it's still a struggle but I am having some good patches and days and I am quite functional. Fingers crossed things don't get any worse as I taper. Thanks for asking. How are things with you?
  6. Mirador

    Hi Streifzug, sorry for the late reply. I didn't updose - I figured it was unlikely to achieve...

    Hi Streifzug, sorry for the late reply. I didn't updose - I figured it was unlikely to achieve much. I've done two things - firstly, working on my attitude to the tinnitus so it bothers me less. I've been at least partially successful in this so e.g. I've been able to sleep without white noise...
  7. Mirador

    Overly quick withdrawal. Doctor suggested I reinstate and taper slowly. Bad mistake. Still got...

    Overly quick withdrawal. Doctor suggested I reinstate and taper slowly. Bad mistake. Still got 0.18mg to taper and have horrendous tinnitus.
  8. Mirador

    Horrendous Tinnitus During Clonazepam Taper

    I took 0.5 mg of Clonazepam from November 2022 to March 2023. I came off it too fast and quickly developed appalling tinnitus. My doctor advised me to reinstate the Clonazepam and come off it more slowly. This seemed to work at first - after six weeks the tinnitus was right down and I started...
  9. Mirador

    Struggling with clonazepam-induced tinnitus

    Struggling with clonazepam-induced tinnitus