Recent content by Nati

  1. Nati

    Desloratadine 5 mg

    Thanks :) so far It seems fine, just makes me sleepy lol
  2. Nati

    Desloratadine 5 mg

    Been suffering from tinnitus for a year now and things got a little better till 3 weeks ago when I cought a virus.. it wasn't so bad but a week later I developed a new low pitch tinnitus in my left ear which wasn't ringing till now :( Since I feel like the virus is gone but my ears keep popping...
  3. Nati

    Low Hum and Plugged Ear

    Did it go away for you? I think I'm experiencing a spike after a cold, my ears keep pooping in and out and they feel blocked.. the low hum is driving me crazy making the high one seems like a walk in the park.. hope it's going to go away..
  4. Nati

    Ciprofloxacin 0.3% Ear Drops — Are They Safe or Ototoxic?

    If I'm not missing anything it's only talking about pills and injections but not ear drops.
  5. Nati

    Ciprofloxacin 0.3% Ear Drops — Are They Safe or Ototoxic?

    Hey, I've been sick for about a week and while physically I feel better my ears hurt and my tinnitus is spiking terribly :( Anyway I went to my GP and she said that my ear canals are a bit red and prescribed me with Ciprofloxacin ear drops. I started taking them today but then I've read mixed...
  6. Nati

    Using Bose QC35 Headphones with Noise-Induced Tinnitus?

    Well your cochlea is being stimulated constantly through out the day. I don't use music to mask my tinnitus just not to hear it.. I love music and it's relaxing me and helping me to feel normal again. I think that being afraid of sound is what's was feeding my hyperacusis. I know headphones...
  7. Nati

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    Good for you mate! It took me a while but I returned after 8 month since T started to jam with my friends, bought custom made ear plugs and felt ready. After playing every other week or so for a few month I felt like my H is completely gone and my life is coming back to normal!! then I did a...
  8. Nati

    Using Bose QC35 Headphones with Noise-Induced Tinnitus?

    Really? I'm sure If the volume is low it's fine.. better to use over the ear type headphones, they are consider safer, again in low volume. Music is the only true masker for me.. hard to imagine living without it
  9. Nati

    Quiet Room/Environment

    Funny enough I usually don't play anything on those headphones.. but yeah if I play my tinnitus pitch it does stop my tinnitus for a while.. hearing it creeping back in makes me laugh sometimes, but it also scares me that I'm over stimulating my problematic nerves. Don't know it's safe to do...
  10. Nati

    Quiet Room/Environment

    I've noticed that when I'm in a really quiet environment my tinnitus goes down to a soft hiss.. I've realized it after buying the Bose noise cancelling headphones. But the second I take the headphones off or going out my normal eeeeee comes back.. Is that normal? Is that reactive tinnitus? Does...
  11. Nati

    TMJ + Hearing Loss

    From what I understand tmj is somthing you need to deal with long term, doesn't just go away but it can get allot better. About the numbness it's something that I use to get from time to time, but for me, I think it was more stress related to the T than something else.. but who lnows..
  12. Nati

    TMJ + Hearing Loss

    Hey there! Was trying to find some info on the subject but couldn't find eneything.. I was wondering if there is any record if any of what frequencys tmj effects.. I have tmj and my tinnitus is in multiple frequencies, sometimes it's between 4000-6000 (I have a mild hearing loss in that area...
  13. Nati

    Hearing of Bass Frequencies Different in Both Ears

    I feel you.. But I don't think you want some random suggestions.. do you have any other symptoms beside your hearing?
  14. Nati

    Augmentin Antibiotic and Tinnitus Spike

    Never posted here before but I got a bit scared and I need some positive hope. My tinnitus started 3 and a half month ago due to some unknown viral thing.. I did an mri and a hearing test which showed nothing so a carried on with my life till I felt sick again, went to a private ent who watched...