Recent content by Noahtm

  1. N

    Can I Use Headphones with Unilateral Tinnitus?

    I agree about taking breaks. Careful listening is possible for some people, but over the long term, even if it seems like a non-issue, it’s essential to keep your volume dialed to the lowest comfortable level and avoid exceeding it. Many people aren’t as mindful and end up listening louder than...
  2. N

    How Different Headphone Types and Drivers Affect Tinnitus?

    I’m an audio enthusiast and have invested quite a bit in the hope of being able to enjoy music despite my tinnitus and hyperacusis. One thing I’ve noticed is how different audio sources and driver types affect my tinnitus, seemingly independent of frequency response. Although I’d call myself an...
  3. N

    Is Wearing Earmuffs for Long Periods Safe?

    I currently have glue ear which is making my tinnitus worse so I have decided to take precautions to protect my ears from further damage. I got a pair of earmuffs to sleep with because I currently live with a sibling who is a total asshole (pardon my language) but they constantly slam doors very...
  4. N

    Accidentally Played Speakers at High Volume — Did I Worsen My Tinnitus?

    There is no pain, I feel pressure but I am congested. Thanks for the comforting words, I am most likely paranoid, I reckon that it is unlikely that 10w multimedia speakers are really capable of very high volumes I guess.
  5. N

    Not Sure If Tinnitus, or Something Else?

    Did you doctor mention anything about fluid in your ear related to the congestion? I have tinnitus in my right ear but it comes and goes in my left ear when my glue ear is particularly bad, it's kinda like a fuzzy light rushing sound. If you notice pressure in your ears or a feeling of blockage...
  6. N

    Accidentally Played Speakers at High Volume — Did I Worsen My Tinnitus?

    Hello all, I am just slightly worried about an increase in my tinnitus and the safety of my speakers. I recently played my speakers on a high volume for around a second or so but I am worried about potential damage. I use some old Logitech Z200 speakers. I looked on their website which states...