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  • I just realized some songs don't sound the same to me anymore they sound so different, I think I have actually officially permanently worsened my hearing. :(
    How does the music sound? What happened?
    @snizzleberry I don't know how to explain it but I guess it's that I don't hear some frequencies anymore. So some songs sound like less lively than before. As I can't hear every element in the song.

    How this happened? I was making music for too long at low volume but then accidentally listened at max volume for 1 sec and listening to high end frequencies. But basically I was just really reckless.
    Didn't expect for this site to get updated. It's been a really long time coming. It'll take some time to adjust to this new look though.
    Hmm this spike seems to be lasting quite a while... Could possibly be a permanent increase but idk. Ugh... What a condition...
    Idk if it has improved I feel I lost like at least 20% of my hearing ability. And I can only blame myself for this one. :/
    That's what I get for being stupid I guess. I never seem to learn. Wishing for better days right now...
    Dont make my mistake. I hope I didnt absolutely wreck my hearing like the first time again. This is not fun. Sounds are all muffled again :/
    Don't you love it when T just suddenly decides to scream in your left ear as loud as possible for no reason, I sure do...
    Better now been better for a while. I'm not so bothered anymore. I don't want to jinx myself though.
    Just annoyed of this condition right now that's all, could also say I'm not really as accepted of this condition as I wanted to believe...
    feeling a bit better now, it comes and "goes" I mean it never disappears but I have kind of learned to accept that fact already...
    L along the way
    oh wow.. that's nice to read.. for me i find acceptance quite difficult, i'm living more on the philosophy of it will heal with time.
    That too, or that there will be a complete cure someday, but as long as it is here I don't want it to control my life. That doesn't mean I'm going to be completely reckless though.
    ugh it's back, I'm so done with this condition honestly, why. Just leave me alone for once.
    L along the way
    pfft indeed... give us a break plz t... maybe slowly we will recover and feel well again some day
    Not so blocked anymore I think hearing is returning to semi normal now, but unfortunately I think I have acquired myself some new tones...
    Well It's been three days now without any improvement voices still sound weird and such. I'm so tired of this condition.
    We all are! What caused your T?
    Most likely a combination of listening to music too loud and headphones making this kind noise in my ear: https://youtu.be/YsXgYZcEysY

    The noise is what really started it I think and it was horrible for months. But then it calmed down a bit in fact I completely forgot I had T for a couple of months this year. But then a couple of days ago the distortions came back almost like day one.
    It's hard. My left ear feels blocked and full. I'm afraid I have acquired myself more hearing loss. I hope this setback won't last for long.
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