Recent content by orenge01

  1. orenge01

    Keep that hope up, I'm sure the time will come some day :)

    Keep that hope up, I'm sure the time will come some day :)
  2. orenge01

    Sounds like you are better off without that group I think :LOL:

    Sounds like you are better off without that group I think :LOL:
  3. orenge01

    @henkess what the hell, not "bad" enough to be with the group. What kind of gatekeeping is that...

    @henkess what the hell, not "bad" enough to be with the group. What kind of gatekeeping is that? :LOL:
  4. orenge01

    @Scruffiey I feel like its been ok, and I barely listen to music or audio as much as I used to...

    @Scruffiey I feel like its been ok, and I barely listen to music or audio as much as I used to anymore through headphones. That's why I use a balanced approach I don't know what else to do. Probably caused by loud noise, but it was loud I listen to and I listen 1-2% volumes always now for years...
  5. orenge01

    @adpolandam Yeah sorry if it came off a bit ignorant. That's good that you can give up using...

    @adpolandam Yeah sorry if it came off a bit ignorant. That's good that you can give up using headphones. I wish I geniunely could but at the moment it doesn't feel like I can :/
  6. orenge01

    @Scruffiey I don't really know what to do instead, like for specific situations its not like I...

    @Scruffiey I don't really know what to do instead, like for specific situations its not like I can listen through a speaker for all situations. It's just not practical for me. So yeah I don't know.
  7. orenge01

    @MindOverMatter Exactly those thoughts it's just feeding this condition, the key is to not even...

    @MindOverMatter Exactly those thoughts it's just feeding this condition, the key is to not even let it get that power. Don't let it have any bit of it and stand your ground. It's definitely so much easier said than done though.
  8. orenge01

    I'm skeptical of the idea of making tinnitus worse at very low volume from headphones...

    I'm skeptical of the idea of making tinnitus worse at very low volume from headphones, especially if you take frequent breaks and such.
  9. orenge01

    That's awesome man, hope the good mood continues! :)

    That's awesome man, hope the good mood continues! :)
  10. orenge01

    Yeah, not saying I have ideal protection though being outside but yeah...

    Yeah, not saying I have ideal protection though being outside but yeah...
  11. orenge01

    @Sodlin it did actually get a bit better, thanks. Trying to keep the hope up. :)

    @Sodlin it did actually get a bit better, thanks. Trying to keep the hope up. :)
  12. orenge01

    Damn it, it's worse now. Three spikes in one day. How is this even possible. :(

    Damn it, it's worse now. Three spikes in one day. How is this even possible. :(
  13. orenge01

    The constant invisible pressure to do certain things is so exhausting.

    The constant invisible pressure to do certain things is so exhausting.
  14. orenge01

    Terrifying Fleeting Deafness for Hours: Is It Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss?

    I'm not sure. I experience a lot of fleeting tinnitus (deafening episodes), usually for no clear reason. However, I've noticed a slight increase in my baseline level recently. Hopefully, it will settle down at some point. I might be going through some kind of spike, but most of the time, I try...
  15. orenge01

    Yeah I get what you mean, I get that noise when I put my teeth together really hard for example...

    Yeah I get what you mean, I get that noise when I put my teeth together really hard for example. Geicer counter sounds awful. :/ I hope your T improves and stays away again.