Recent content by Ornitoring

  1. Ornitoring

    Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members

    I have been devastated by severe noxacusis and middle ear myoclonus (and also tinnitus, though it affects me less) since 2010. These conditions have completely disrupted my life. Over the years, the noxacusis has improved somewhat, but not enough to allow me to live a normal life outside my...
  2. Ornitoring

    Dr. Manohar Bance (ENT) — Experiences/Opinions/Reviews?

    Hello, I would like to know if anyone has seen Dr. Manovar Bance, an ENT in the UK, and what they thought of him?
  3. Ornitoring

    Hi Alice, I dont know why I cant sent private message using this web. I writte here. After a lot...

    Hi Alice, I dont know why I cant sent private message using this web. I writte here. After a lot of doctors, dont undertand about this patology. Except one doctor but that man finished work in the hospital and is not posible surgery in his clínic, Im trying cirugury outside. Cut both (TT and...
  4. Ornitoring

    Hello Alice,Im sorry for the delete. Since a few years Im more active un a facebook group...

    Hello Alice,Im sorry for the delete. Since a few years Im more active un a facebook group called: Tonic tensor tympanic support group. My cooments there are using muy nickname un facebook: Sei ei Actually Im trying convince my family pay a doctor in UK for a the surgery
  5. Ornitoring


  6. Ornitoring

    I Need English Subtitles for a Film Called Ruis, About Hyperacusis

    Thanks for the replays and help. Yes, the schools should be willing to contribute to the cost... Also the schools should be more educative... for example like Flandes schools which explain about hearing disability. In any case... I think is more interesting a voluntary membre of tinnitus...
  7. Ornitoring

    I Need English Subtitles for a Film Called Ruis, About Hyperacusis

    Hello friends, I would need the english subtitles of this film. Someone have? I need this information for a project...some schools in my country could be interested in this film. thanks ;)
  8. Ornitoring

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    Hi Mermaid, Me not... a lot of years with this... My doctor say probably I have stapediu myoclonus...perhaps... But I think have a problem with my Tensor tympatic because I feel my drum fly easy with the noise or when I speak (Hearing unbalanced pressure). Furthermore when I closed my ears...
  9. Ornitoring

    Stapedial Myoclonus Triggered by Voice

    @Jokko Do you know his name?
  10. Ornitoring

    Muscular Tinnitus and 'Ear Fluttering'

    Perhaps. If your ear fail you ear is ill. If your ear is ill your ear became old.
  11. Ornitoring

    Doctor Specialized in Middle Ear (Stapedius Myoclonus)

    I had a acoustic traumatism... I think is a ear problem. You?
  12. Ornitoring

    Botox Injection Into Middle Ear Muscles Without Cutting the Eardrum? Possible?

    We are a few people who have this problem or similar.. Is not easy to find a good professional who really knows about this condition and what is the best for the suffer. Probably in the world exist a professional who knows what is the best solution for our ears/our person. I would like to...
  13. Ornitoring

    Doctor Specialized in Middle Ear (Stapedius Myoclonus)

    Hi Mad, do you have a diagnostic and a solution for your middle ear problem?
  14. Ornitoring

    Doctor Specialized in Middle Ear (Stapedius Myoclonus)

    Exist in Europe or in EUA some doctor who have experience about middle ear problems (specially about stapedium myocloni) and what is the best solucion? Thanks
  15. Ornitoring

    Passame tu email si quieres y hablamos en calma en privado. Aparte de la hiperacusia no me queda...

    Passame tu email si quieres y hablamos en calma en privado. Aparte de la hiperacusia no me queda claro si tienes problemes musculares (TTTS o mioclonia estapediana) del oïdo medio tambien, Gracias