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  • Hey there mate, just wanted to say thanks for the follow & the positivity you've given me so far with this. Have a good one!
    After 9 months, finally have been able to start reading books again. Too loud before. I also feel like reading helps habituation.
    Doom and gloom will not help you get better.
    I thought not
    @Utmad89 There are all types of tinnitus sufferers on this forum. From mild to moderate to more extreme. Not just one group. Many here still have hope and want to habituate, heal, and maintain a positive mindset. But anyone who finds messages of optimism off-putting, probably shouldn't follow me.
    Started exercising again after 8 months. Feels great, doesn't spike my tinnitus, it actually reduces it. Another step back to living.
    That's such a positive. Anything you can do with no spike.
    Exercise is just as important for mental health as physical wellbeing…glad to hear you are back at it
    Light, light ringing today, 100x better than yesterday. Nice walk outside, California is wonderful. Need more days like this.
    My day to day ringing sounds: Total silence, light ringing, soft hiss, loud ring, drill in the middle of my head.
    What a roller coaster!
    Luckily it's mostly the first 3. Most days I have no ringing. Once or twice a week it's screaming loud. So strange how it just won't heal.
    I can't get over the fluctuations. I don't get many at all. Just constant worsening. Quite days must be bliss.
    You must be a Rush fan…Are you a bass player? I played guitar in a Rush tribute band for a few years and had a total blast doing it. I can't imagine how Geddy and Alex don't have screaming tinnitus with how loud they played.
    All great tunes! My favorite to play was always La Villa. Such an epic! I miss those days. I don't think I'll ever play another Rush song again at this point. It's crazy how hard I worked to become a professional musician and now I'm terrified of being close to any amplified music even with earplugs in.
    @RunningMan I know what you mean about listening to music. It still sounds ok to me at very low volumes but I never know what level will start my ears screaming so I can't really enjoy it
    Neil briefly mentioned his tinnitus in his Ghost Rider book: "Sitting here on canyon rim...silent but for whispering brown river far below (and the usual ringing in my drum-deafened ears!)"
    Significant ringing by 8:30 am. WhIch means screaming by afternoon. Month 8 is projecting to be the worst yet.
    The month may hasn't been great but I have quiet the last two days. I'm going to enjoy this day to its fullest.
    11 days of ringing so far In January. Better than last month.
    If I had even one day with no ringing, my hope would sky rocket
    @Note I do, in some high frequency ranges that aren't really noticeable.
    @Juliane I think I was a bit lucky because I was wearing foam plugs at the time of my loud noise event. Which really wasn't that loud. I am also a lifelong musician so that played into it.
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