Recent content by re-animator

  1. re-animator

    No but im going to look at joining a gym tomorrow. As you say the tiredness from the exercise...

    No but im going to look at joining a gym tomorrow. As you say the tiredness from the exercise will probably help. The anxiety has lessened now....I just feel quite depressed but I think if I can resolve the sleep issue that this will improve. The tinnitus doesn't intrude much whilst I'm at work...
  2. re-animator

    Well after 2 monthes I started to mellow a bit but then suddenly I seemed to go backwards. My...

    Well after 2 monthes I started to mellow a bit but then suddenly I seemed to go backwards. My sleep has also been reduced to 2/3 hours a night. Been pretty hard but im very fortunate to have a loving family who are trying their best to support me. I'm glad your anxiety has improved alot!
  3. re-animator

    Wildlife Pictures

    I spotted a Bambi in the supermarket car park a few months ago... it must have wandered down from the local park where Henry the 8th used to hunt.
  4. re-animator

    Hey Mark, in really struggling with my tinnitus at the moment and could do with a little hope...

    Hey Mark, in really struggling with my tinnitus at the moment and could do with a little hope. Did you see any improvement in the first 3 monthes or was it not until the 4/5 month point?
  5. re-animator

    Positive Story: Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, and Dysacusis

    So did the majority of your improvement occur between the 5-6 month point?
  6. re-animator

    Positive Story: Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, and Dysacusis

    Thank you so much for posting this. I’m really struggling at the moment. I’m about three months into this nightmare. When did you start to notice any improvement?
  7. re-animator

    Acoustic Trauma-Induced Tinnitus from Shooting AK-47 at a Gun Range

    A small update: I’m just under four weeks today. The tinnitus got extremely loud for about four seconds not long ago, but it has since dropped to a lower level. I’m hoping this is progress, but we’ll see. Interestingly, this happened on the same day my tinnitus CBT book arrived! 😆 I’m very...
  8. re-animator

    Tinnitus Since Shooting My .308 Rifle Four Years Ago: The Ringing Has Gotten Worse Over the Years

    Hey man, I'm sorry to hear about your trouble with tinnitus. I'm still early in my experience, so I can't give you specific advice about Escitalopram. However, I'm on Citalopram, which is a similar drug, and I've recently increased to 40 mg without noticing much difference. That said, it's not...
  9. re-animator

    Acoustic Trauma-Induced Tinnitus from Shooting AK-47 at a Gun Range

    I appreciate the support. I hope your situation continues to improve. How much has your tinnitus quieted down? Mine used to sound like a hiss from a CRT, but now it’s more like a tone. The volume seems to vary quite a bit throughout the day. Interestingly, after a hot bath, it seems to back off...
  10. re-animator

    Acoustic Trauma-Induced Tinnitus from Shooting AK-47 at a Gun Range

    I’m managing to sleep, although I’m currently taking Nytol (Diphenhydramine), so I’m not sure what it will be like without it. I plan to try going without it soon. Right now, I’m getting about 5-6 hours of sleep each night. I’ve been using rain and fan sounds to help me fall asleep. However, I...
  11. re-animator

    Acoustic Trauma-Induced Tinnitus from Shooting AK-47 at a Gun Range

    Hi All, I’m really struggling with a new case of tinnitus. The tinnitus started after a loud noise exposure during my first visit to an indoor gun range. Unfortunately, near the end of the session, my hearing protection slipped a bit on my right ear, and after two shots from an AK-47, I noticed...