Recent content by Rodrigo Rivas

  1. Rodrigo Rivas

    Back to Intrusive Tinnitus After a Long Reprieve with Habituation

    Hey! No worries. Thanks for your reply! I'm also back to semi-caring about the noise. I visited my ENT and he checked my jaw muscles, turned out they were super swollen from dental work! I agree with you, any doctor who claims dental work doesn't affect Tinnitus, is lying. My new doctor was...
  2. Rodrigo Rivas

    Back to Intrusive Tinnitus After a Long Reprieve with Habituation

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, one thousand times thank you! I visited the ENT and told him about my sudden tinnitus on the right ear. He checked my cheek muscles and turned out I have massive swelling and tension because of my braces treatment (I've had braces for over 4 years and it never...
  3. Rodrigo Rivas

    Tinnitus Worsening and Making Me Very Sad and Afraid

    Hello! I hope you're doing better. I'm algo managing my Tinnitus having a weird spike at the moment. It hasn't been easy. Have you taken a look at the success story named "Back to silence". That has really helped me a lot through the years. Mostly I've habituated to my Tinnitus, but still...
  4. Rodrigo Rivas

    Back to Intrusive Tinnitus After a Long Reprieve with Habituation

    Not really. I've thought before that some of my Tinnitus could be cause by jaw issues since I've had a few problems with it. I'll talk to my new dentist about it... Thanks!!
  5. Rodrigo Rivas

    Back to Intrusive Tinnitus After a Long Reprieve with Habituation

    I feel you. I got Tinnitus 6 years ago. The first few weeks (maybe months) were a living hell. I couldn't sleep, I cried over it, I got depressed and I got several suicidal thoughts. Having Tinnitus had always been one of my greatest fears. When I visited a doctor he told me there wasn't a...
  6. Rodrigo Rivas

    A Message to Frightened 'Anxious Newbies'.

    I keep coming back to your story everytime I feel down or anxious, like right now, and somehow, it gives me peace and hope! For a long time (2 months hehe) I was afraid of accepting the fact that I have Tinnitus, and opening an account in here for me it seemed like giving up to Tinnitus. But...
  7. Rodrigo Rivas

    Afraid, But Not Defeated

    Thank you! I won't lie, it has been hard, I keep getting anxious at times, I keep asking myself "Why me?", "Will it ever go away?", "Is it gonna get louder?" (Which I hope it doesn't). I try to take better care of my ears now, and even though I'm afraid, I try to keep myself calm and remember...
  8. Rodrigo Rivas

    Afraid, But Not Defeated

    Thank you, I noticed you were the first one to read it. I send you a hug back! :) What's your story?
  9. Rodrigo Rivas

    Afraid, But Not Defeated

    I believe the hardest battles are fought by the strongest soldiers. We are all strong, we are all struggling at times with Tinnitus, but somehow, we keep on going every day, and that, is a success story, everyday that passes by and you don't give up, is another huge victory!
  10. Rodrigo Rivas

    Afraid, But Not Defeated

    Thank you for commenting my post <3 I don't know if my Tinnitus went away for a couple of weeks and it came back, or maybe I just stopped paying attention for a while. But the thing is, it's back, and even though I'm afraid I've decided to not let it defeat me! I have been analizing myself to...
  11. Rodrigo Rivas

    Afraid, But Not Defeated

    Lately I have been feeling better, I can see life shining again for me! I've always been hypocondriac, so basically all my life I'm dealing with a different disease, it has been stressful, but somehow I've managed. After I get my test done (Which I don't know the name in english) the doctor said...
  12. Rodrigo Rivas

    Afraid, But Not Defeated

    Hello. My name is Rodrigo, I'm 18 years old, I live in El Salvador, located in Central America. I finally had the balls to come and open my account here in Tinnitus Talk, something I had been afraid to do for this 2 months I've had the T, but tonight I decided "You know what? Fuck it, if it's...
  13. Rodrigo Rivas

    The hardest thing to learn about life is to live.

    The hardest thing to learn about life is to live.